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The Men Who Created Feminism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Men Who Created Feminism

September 2, 2011



You may be interested to see some good discussion going on today at Chronicles under a column by Thomas Fleming. In one of his responses to readers, he gives some sharp analysis of the roots of feminism, and points out that it is primarily the white male figures of the 18th-century Enlightenment who are to blame for the revolution, rather than the usual suspects like Mary Wollstonecraft. He attributes male willingness to embrace the feminist ideal at that time to a proto-Playboy philosophy and easier access to women. I had never seen the connection made, either, between today’s feminism and Renaissance-era, anti-Christian humanism, but it makes a lot of sense. The relevant passage is found at Comment #13.

Let us never forget that white males created and promoted feminism, that feminism is a male ideology. The women feminists were inconsequential eccentrics-compare the negligible influence of Mary Wollstonecraft with that of her lover Godwin, for example. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the other harridans they cite so often were regarded as freaks by both sexes.

Why did men create feminism? If we put the question to Godwin, Laclos, and Sade, they would say-if they were honest-that liberating women from control of fathers and husbands made them more vulnerable to seduction and exploitation, and that was certainly the foundation of the Playboy philosophy, and it has been said explicitly. Capitalists would have added that by liberating women, they could lower wages and make more money-remember it was the Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce that came up with the equal rights amendment and “Equal pay for equal work.”

But libertinism and capitalist exploitation are not the root of the problem. Feminism is an outgrowth of Renaissance anti-Christian individualism that makes of every son, daughter, sister, brother, wife,. parent nothing more than an interchangeable algebraic entity. Throughout the 18th century, the unreflecting encyclopedists and their disciples asked stupid questions like, “Why should one religion be preferred to another,” and “Why should aristocrats have social privileges not enjoyed by peasants,” and “Why should men have rights that women don’t have?” The most obvious answers are the ones we give to children when they ask why they can’t stay out till midnight or eat in the living room. BECAUSE YOU CAN’T. Why, daddy? BECAUSE I SAID SO.

In other words, challenges to the natural order of things must be met with exertions of authority, not with ingenious arguments. But, no, stupid white European males who could not see beyond the end of their nose – or perhaps another organ – destroyed, one by one, the foundations of a decent and normal social order. So-called conservatives were content to wring their hands or, more often, go with the flow which they tried feebly to slow but never halt, much less reverse course.


                                        — Comments —

Art writes:

This post expresses succinctly the problems of our age, and describes well what conservatives have failed to do.

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