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When an Ivy League Professor Calls for Public Deviance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

When an Ivy League Professor Calls for Public Deviance

September 14, 2011


ERIC writes:

If Columbia Law School Professor Katherine Franke thinks “the public sphere may be the last refuge for sexual liberty,” she must never have seen the Folsom Street Fair. And if she ever tells me that our discourse needs to be any raunchier, I will tell her to [obscenity deleted.] I bet that line would make a schoolmarm out of her.

Also,  I am struck by the conservative dress of the professors at the Gender and Sexuality Center. I bet when Ms. Franke isn’t appealing for public sex, she is aggressively seeking to expel or fire white males for telling off-color jokes around the water cooler.

Laura writes:

I assume Franke is familiar with the Folsom Street Fair since she is by her own admission a scholar of the “raunchier elaborations” of homosexual culture. Who knows, she may have written a book about it. She is advocating more of that, more deviance in the streets, as a form of political freedom.


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