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A Beating in Wisconsin, and the Official Response « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Beating in Wisconsin, and the Official Response

October 9, 2011


DAN writes:

A Wisconsin man was attacked at his home by a Muslim allegedly angry that the man had criticized the Islamic religion, though the attacked man denied he ever said anything insulting or offensive (though as we have seen, Muslims have a very low threshold when it comes to what words or pictures “offend” them). The price that the once free citizens of America must pay to maintain the liberal’s illusionary beliefs in their false gods “diversity” and “tolerance” is the loss of their liberty to speak and ultimately think freely.

Laura writes:

And notice who responded to this incident. Not one, but two female police officers. There is nothing so reassuring as a security force in ponytails.

No matter how dedicated and responsible these women are, this is not serious police work; it’s theater. These women are dressing up as policemen.



                                                                     — Comments —        


Texanne writes:

Women dressing up as policemen :-) 

Just think of all the women dressing up as judges, women dressing up as Marines, women dressing up as businessmen, women dressing up as congressmen . . .

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