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Appalled by Qaddafi’s Murder by Mob « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Appalled by Qaddafi’s Murder by Mob

October 23, 2011


DIANA writes:

I saw the grisly footage of Qaddafi’s murder on television. I had first to turn off the sound. Then, ashamed, I turned off the television. I have nothing more to say than that I am appalled that my country had anything to do with this grotesque caricature of justice. Actually, to call it a grotesque caricature of justice is to trivialize it. I have no words for it.

I’m not naive and I realize that the U.S. has taken part in assassinations, killings, etc., but there is something about this that simply takes my breath away. I want nothing to do with it. I’m in a complete state of dissociation with our political leaders, Republican and Democrat. I am thoroughly disaffected.

I’m not exactly mourning Qaddafi’s death. He was a very bad man who killed Americans. But what do you do? He seems to have reformed a bit in latter years. He stuck to his treaties and stopped baiting the U.S. He even said a few conciliatory, realistic things about Israel. I’m not saying this turned him into a Good Guy, but it showed he was sane. Now he’s gone and we’re supposed to rejoice? No thank you! Libya will turn to hell.

I do not believe I am alone in feeling so disgusted with just about everything, except my own life, which is going rather well. So I can’t be accused of generalizing my own misery. I am not miserable. Our politics is.

Laura writes:

I am appalled too.  The average American seems to accept the media’s pro-democracy fairy tale. Our country took part in the assassination of someone who posed no imminent threat to us and, in doing so, aided avowed enemies. This is not a fairy tale, but a horror story.


                                                 — Comments —

Alissa writes:

What goes around, comes around. This fiasco only shows how decadent the West has become. It would be one thing to arrest and kill Qaddafi during the 1970’s-1980’s but not now. For the past years Qaddafi has come around with nuclear disarmament, a weak peace resolution with Israel, weaker links to Islamic terrorists and whatnot. I’m sure the neoconservatives and the feminists are currently cheering about his brutal death. Unfortunately it’s not the Arab Spring and the fall of one man will not bring democracy. It’s the eternal Muslim civil war and one tyrant will be replaced by another. One reaps what one sows. 

This is not a fairy tale, but a horror story. 

Speaking of horror stories the amount of horror films released per year has increased considerably compared to the past decades. One theory speculates that this is due to family breakdown and the expansion of horror experienced in people’s daily lives.

Lawrence Auster writes:

Commenter Diana is a kindred spirit. I share her feeling that “I’m in a complete state of dissociation with our political leaders, Republican and Democrat [over the death of Kaddafi]. I am thoroughly disaffected.”

However, I have a question for Diana and for Laura: is your disgust directed only at the killing of Kaddafi, or at the entire U.S./NATO intervention in Libya of which his killing was the end result?

My point is that it makes little sense to decry the killing, but not the NATO military intervention that led to the killing. The aim of the intervention was the overthrow of Kaddafi. If he was overthrown, and if he didn’t flee the country, then, given the way these things tend to be done in Muslim countries, his unceremonious murder was a very strong likelihood.

In my view, therefore, if critics of what has happened in Libya want to stand on solid logical and moral ground, they need to denounce the entire intervention, not just the murder of Kaddafi which was the implied and all but inevitable consequence of the intervention.

Laura writes:

Is your disgust directed only at the killing of Kaddafi, or at the entire U.S./NATO intervention in Libya of which is killing was the end result?

No, the intervention itself was deeply wrong. I agree, it’s important to object first and foremost to this illegitimate intrusion into a sovereign nation’s affairs. I recommend the many recent entries at VFR, including this one on Michelle Bachmann’s statement against our involvement in Libya.

Patti writes:

I agree with your assessment of Qaddafi’s murder. It makes me sick too. Everyone is cheering but he posed no threat to us that I could see. And I am appalled by the hypocrisy of the left. Had things played out like this while Bush was president, they would be outside the White House demanding his extradition to the Hague!

Diana writes:

Our actions in Libya (and the entire near-Middle East) are insane. You don’t have a choice in the Muslim world between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. You only have a choice between the sane bad man and the crazy bad man. Qaddafi was the sane bad man. We now have crazy bad men in power. It will come to disaster sooner rather than later.

Also, and again this sounds awful but I’ll say it: the U.S. has engaged in targeted killings, and Qaddafi was a murderer of innocent Americans, so I can’t be against Qaddafi’s killing on moral grounds. I
object to the public manner in which it was done. If that sounds bad, so be it. Professional, trained, adult men do these things quietly, behind the scenes, and they keep their mouths shut about it. A baying mob will continue to bay, until it has satisfied its blood lust, leaving ruin behind. This will happen in Libya and for the U.S. to sully what is left of its prestige is beyond crazy.

I want nothing to do with this. Our political class is insane and corrupt. That’s what I object to most.


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