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Condoning Assassination by Mob « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Condoning Assassination by Mob

October 25, 2011


BRUCE writes:

The death of Qaddafi can be compared with the death of Saddam to demonstrate how the Left always tries to use the mob to avoid moral responsibility for its actions. 

The Left does not (like the Right) itself inflict the punishments that it feels that its enemies deserve. 

Instead, the Left systematically uses propaganda to whip-up the mob with violent hatred towards the Left’s enemies, encourages Leftist mobs to gather and spur each other on into an escalating frenzy of violent hatred; then all the Left needs to do is fail to defend the Left’s enemies. 

When it is finished and the mob have done their worst; the Left wrings its hands, shakes its head and deplores the mob’s excessive (but ‘understandable’) enthusiasm, embarks on a leisurely examination of why the atrocity was ‘allowed to happen’ – shrugs its shoulders, and simply moves on to the next enemy. 

This has been and is happening all around the world: it is the basic, default tactic of Leftism with the gloves-off.

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