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Goodbye, Girl Scouts « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Goodbye, Girl Scouts

October 26, 2011


GIRL SCOUTS of America has joined the growing list of cultural institutions that have reached the point of no return. According to NBC News and Yahoo, Girl Scouts spokeswomen in Colorado say it is now official policy for the organization to accept “transgendered” boys.


— Comments —

Jill Farris writes:

Here is an interesting article about Girl Scouts and their various slimy affliations. Life Issues also has an interview about the Girl Scouts on their video page.

Many years ago I was asked to help with a weekend overnight for Girl Scouts. I was not a Girl Scout but had worked as a counselor at their camp one summer. Imagine my shock and horror that the organization asked a woman from Planned Parenthood to come and explain sex. I still remember her describing what sex felt like with her boyfriend!! These were 12-year-old girls in 1978 who thought they were going off for a fun Girl Scout weekend. Girl Scouts has long been affiliated with Planned Parenthood. I refuse to buy one single cookie.

Laura writes:

That’s a good idea. Refuse to buy cookies.

Clem writes:

This is sad just as the demise of the Boy Scouts is sad. At what point will ‘sane’ parents stop supporting these institutions? Quit subjecting their children to the indoctrination?

It may not be easy but we have got to sever our relationship with all of them. Either that or retake them. From public schools to ‘American culture’ to the Girl Scouts.

Laura writes:

It’s hard for parents to come to terms with the collapse of the institutions that would otherwise help them raise their children. It means a loss of community and a lonely struggle.

But it is better to go it alone and place children within a real community, the one created by their not-so-distant ancestors, than to try to protect their innocence within these hopeless institutions.

Texanne writes:

I watched the video clip with the article a couple of times but am still wondering who (and what sex) the black spokesperson is. I did not see or hear any identification of this person. He or she does not appear to be affiliated with the Girl Scouts, since they offered only written statements. Is this person presented as some sort of expert? Yikes! What was the point s/he was trying to make? How horrible that all the “grown-ups” in this story are totally confused. These kids would be better off being raised by wolves.

Girl Scouts was already becoming creepy when I was in elementary school in a suburb of Chicago in the ’60s. I was actually put on trial by my troop for falling behind in paying my dues. There were no outdoor activities such as camping or hiking. It was all about the cookie sale.

In trying to avoid the creepiness of the Girl Scouts, we enrolled our daughters in youth sports, never suspecting that this activity would so rapidly become infected by feminism, Title IX, etc. Out of the frying pan, into the fire . . .


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