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The Great Thing about College Is That It Solves Everything « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Great Thing about College Is That It Solves Everything

October 31, 2011


THE FOLLOWING flyer was sent a few days ago to the faculty of Valencia College in Osceola, Florida by its Office of Marketing and Strategic Communications:

MTV Film Crew at the Osceola Campus on Monday

You may notice an MTV film crew at the Osceola Campus on Monday as they tape a new season of the reality show 16 and Pregnant.  Their current story is about a young woman, now 17, who has had her baby and whose mom told her that if she didn’t go to college, she’d be out on her own.  Accordingly, she and her 19 year old sister are interested in enrolling at Valencia [College] for the spring term.  MTV would like to film the family meeting with representatives from the Osceola Campus as they learn about the process of registering for classes and how to apply for financial aid.  

MTV has shared with us that they are hoping to stress the importance of higher education to their young adult audience, and this represents a tremendous opportunity to showcase what a wonderful place Valencia is to a national audience.  While I don’t anticipate that there will be any issues, there will be a staff member from Valencia’s Office of Marketing and Strategic Communications accompanying the film crew at all times; however, If you have any concerns during the filming, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at (…..)

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