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The United States of Homosexual Imperialism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The United States of Homosexual Imperialism

October 1, 2011


GIVEN THAT Hillary Clinton has ordered State Department employees to protect homosexuals around the world, it is no surprise that Mary Warlick, Ambassador to Serbia, has urged authorities there to provide security for a “gay pride” parade.


                                     — Comments —

Jim Wetzel writes:

Concerning the subject post: I consider the title apt, if not comprehensive: the U.S. has become The United States of [many sorts of] Imperialism, the homosexual being prominent, but sharing the spotlight with “feminist,” “democratic,” “eugenicist,” “practical-atheist,” “materialist,” and “corporatist,” among others. In all gentleness and with great respect, I challenge you to consider a couple of questions that could be asked of pretty much everyone who flies the conservative political flag: at what point should a Christian suspend his or her support of the activities of the U.S. regime, which seems animated by a Jezebel spirit of rebellion against God, regardless of the party affiliation of its president or its congressional majorities? (By “support,” I do not mean paying taxes, which are extracted from us by coercion; I mean identification with one part or the other of the political duopoly, reverence for the military and cheerleading for our many sand wars, and shows of what is generally taken for “patriotism” in these latter days.) Has not that point long been reached, and passed? What, generally, is the duty of the good person whose country is ruled by evil men (and women)? And what, more specifically, is the duty of a Christian in that circumstance?

Dan writes:

Traditionalist writer Mark Hackard has termed the American government’s international promotion as glitter imperialism. The traditional Christian societies of Eastern Europe have been a main target of American funded and promoted homosexualism:

Justice for homosexual victims of repression or abuse, actual or alleged, is incidental to wider U.S. aims. Washington seeks to enforce its writ through a universal human rights regime, and a tried and tested method of control is the institution of deviance. Over the course of a few generations or less, the war against the family undermines and subjugates entire societies; the evidence, of course, surrounds us in the modern West. In this sense U.S. foreign policy is inseparable from its ideological underpinnings, for the reign of equality is both means and end. American globalism’s road to power has always been inspired by democratic ideals.

While Clinton’s speech acknowledged U.S. promotion of gay rights in Africa and Latin America, State’s primary focus is Eurasia, not coincidentally the center of the Pentagon’s geostrategy. Eastern Europe and the former Soviet space have yet to be fully enlightened to current Western cultural standards, and so Orthodox nations like Serbia, Belarus and Russia are the target of U.S. information operations and well-funded human-rights NGOs. Along with subverting Moscow’s sphere of influence at this most intimate level (with adequate help from some Russian elites), Washington continues to assist the EU in the leveling of what was once Christendom. In every significant sense, from ethnic identity to religion and culture, European peoples have been marked for oblivion. Regardless of the contradiction to its homosexual agenda, U.S. policy also sponsors the growth of Muslim power on the Continent; both programs work toward the destruction of traditional Europe.

American foreign policy, generally speaking, is a force in service of the demonic, anti-Christian moral revolution that seeks to destroy, in the name of freedom and equality, all that is good, true, and beautiful in the world.

Laura writes:

In response to Mr. Wetzel, I don’t identify with either of the major parties, if by “identify” you mean the belief that either party is on its own capable of effective resistance, nor do I cheerlead for sand wars. As for expressing feelings of patriotism, those may be directed not just to a government, but to a people

 Alan Roebuck does a good job in this recent essay of describing what a Christian should do.

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