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A Few Words on the Battlefield of Domesticity « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Few Words on the Battlefield of Domesticity

November 18, 2011



TERESA OF ÁVILA, the saint and contemplative, wrote the following words to her Carmelite sisters. They apply well to the woman at home today even though she obviously does not live in seclusion or detach herself from “kinsfolk.” Because domesticity is so trivialized, presented as something easy and minor, the great spiritual challenges are rarely addressed. St. Teresa wrote:

Once we have detached ourselves from the world, and from our kinsfolk, and are cloistered here, in the conditions already described, it must look as if we have done everything and there is nothing with which we have to contend. But, oh, my sisters, do not feel secure and fall asleep, or you will be like a man who goes to bed quite peacefully, after bolting all his doors for fear of thieves, when the thieves are already in the house. And you know there is no worse thief than the one who lives in the house. We ourselves are always the same; unless we take great care and each of us looks well to it that she renounces her self-will, which is the most important business of all, there will be many things to deprive us of the holy freedom of spirit which our souls seek in order to soar to their Maker unburdened by the leaden weight of the earth.

It will be a great help towards this if we keep constantly in our thoughts the vanity of all things and the rapidity with which they pass away, so that we may withdraw our affections from things which are so trivial and fix them upon what will never come to an end.

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