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A Liberal Defends Monarchy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Liberal Defends Monarchy

November 17, 2011


AT his website, Theodore Harvey explains why he is a monarchist. He wrote this essay when he was a liberal. He has since become Christian and more conservative in his views:

I believe that monarchy, with its colourful, inspiring, and unique pageantry, is worth the expense. I believe that there is something special and magical, something which words cannot quite describe, about a king or queen which a president can never hope to offer. I believe that the long histories of the world’s monarchies are glorious treasures to be cherished, and that present-day monarchs provide the only continuous link to that past. I do not want to live in a world where royalty exist only in fairytales and history books. I do not want to have to explain to my children that, yes, there used to be real princes and princesses, but all that has been abolished. I believe in keeping the great romantic tradition of royalty alive. That is why I am a monarchist.

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