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A Sexualized Society Produces More Child Rape « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Sexualized Society Produces More Child Rape

November 17, 2011


JOSEPH FARAH writes at World Net Daily on the question as to why the rapes and cover-up at Penn State occurred:

The answer is right in front of our faces – but nobody wants to state it. 

The more our society condones and glorifies aberrant sexual behavior, the more of it we will see. Period. End of story. 

I know many people don’t want to hear this. There is a big price to pay stating it this simply. But you don’t change what has been sinful behavior into appropriate behavior with a wave of a magic wand. You don’t change the morals of a nation through judicial activism. You don’t use the heavy hand of government to create new moral codes without very severe consequences. You don’t allow social engineers to get their way through bullying tactics and coercion. 

What happened at Penn State is a tragedy. Worse, it’s likely a series of tragedies that will impact the lives of people for years to come. 

Let’s stop acting like idiots by addressing symptoms of a much deeper problem when most everyone knows why we’re seeing an explosion of predatory sexual acts on innocent children everywhere – in churches, in schools and in academia.

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