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A War Correspondent Reports from Western Front « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A War Correspondent Reports from Western Front

November 9, 2011


JAMES H. writes:

I just bought Chesterton’s book on Dickens on your splendid recommendation. I can hardly wait! 

Every Saturday morning, since discovering CWNY, I wake up, print the latest installment, and read it over breakfast. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy his writing. Your blog also provides such tremendous food for thought and great reading. Thanks. 

I sent my wife the posts on smaller homes (here, here, and here). Man, I’d love to move out of our monstrosity (modest by local standards), but my wife loves it. Our neighbors are building a 25,000-square-foot, $35,000,000 grotesquerie. Yes, you read that correctly. Their entire “compound” is a study in excess. My wife is friends with the wife, but I’ve told her it is unhealthy for our daughter to be exposed to such egregious excess. They spent more on just one of their cars than I’ve spent on all of our cars combined times 3 (they provided that unwanted information with zero expressed interest from us!). Ridiculous over the top gaucherie. Actually, I’d prefer if she gave them up altogether, but they come from nothing and are actually quite nice, if not a bit addled by money. 

Visited our daughter at Stanford this weekend. Man, what an eye-opener. We are literally giving away our nation and its treasures to foreigners with no skin in the game. The Stanford campus was overrun by Asians, Indians and blacks of the Michelle Obama stripe – seething looks of resentment contorting their faces. The campus was teeming with frothing mad-dog liberals.

Stanford students from before the 60s would not recognize the student body today. I heard more foreign languages spoken on campus than English. The entire area was teeming with foreigners. What in the heck is happening?!! Our children will soon awaken in a nation their grandparents would not recognize. This grand utopian multicultural experiment will not end well. 

Anyway, I’ll let you know how the Chesterton book goes.

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