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Could America Someday Have a King? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Could America Someday Have a King?

November 17, 2011


THE discussion about monarchy vs. democracy, a topic considered obsolete by much of the world, continues in this thread.

In response to the point that monarchy violates American tradition and represents too radical of a change, James P. writes:

We could not get from democracy to monarchy without profound change, and many people would find the new regime unpalatable. However, we also could not get from our current corrupt, dysfunctional democracy to some hypothetical future virtuous, functional democracy without profound change, and many people would also find this change highly unpalatable. If we could somehow push “reset” and restore the size and power of the U.S. government to what it was in 1960 or 1932, I guarantee you that many, many people (the beneficiaries of the current status quo) would find this change unconscionable and would fight it strenuously. The Occupy Wall Street crowd is a mere trivial fraction of the legions that would turn out to fight a serious repeal of the welfare state. In short, no matter what end state you wish to achieve – back to “virtuous” democracy or even further back to monarchy – you will have a big fight on your hands.



                                                            — Comments —

Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:

In response to the rhetorical question, “Could America Someday have a King,” I answer: It already has one – his name is Barack Hussein Obama. America I began with the repudiation of George III; America II will begin with the repudiation of Barack I.

Josh F. writes:

Yes… But he will have to be a genuine white Supremacist to even suggest such a King could bring us forward to a better place. No one invested in or embracing of “equality” can fill the shoes of King. A King cannot be an anti-Supremacist. A King cannot be liberal and still claim to be a King. OUR King cannot be non-white. Our King must be a white Supremacist.

Art writes:

A good king would not need to be a white supremacist, just a good Christian King like we had 500 to 1000 years ago. I am not necessarily defending Monarchy. I am just suggesting that it is one of many perfectly fine options for Government, and one which we lived under for many generations. As many posters have mentioned it is the Society itself which matters the most.

Laura writes;

A king who believed race to be the most important aspect of reality would be a bad king.

Jane writes:

And the banker said, “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Josh F. writes:

A good white Christian king and a genuine white Supremacist…

I ask Art, “what is the difference?”

Aaron T. writes:

Could America someday have a king? No. At least not America as we know it. It is a legitimate government that is ruled by a system of laws that would have to be completely done away with in order to have a king. If the constitution were dissolved, so too would the United States of America.

Socio-economic collapse is coming. At some point, we’ll have to default on our debt. That’s inevitable. There isn’t the political capital to cut our expenditures in a meaningful enough way to remove
our country from this path. We’re just going to keep going until our credit gets bad enough that no one will accept our debt any more. Then they’ll start printing money. Then our debtors will make a call on their debt, because they’ll want to get out before the dollar is worthless. Then the dollar will be worthless. Then we won’t be able to pay police, the military, etc. The whole system will crash.

At that point, I’m guessing the states will split up and form their own governments and start over. Maybe not strictly on state line, but more on cultural/regional lines. I doubt any of the resulting states will have a monarch, at least not right away. That’s the thing about monarchy — it tends to happen organically over the generations. Everyone starts following one man. Then his son. Then his son. Soon enough, you have laws of succession.

Laura writes:

Yes, of course what we know of as America couldn’t have a king. But it is possible that what is now territorially America may someday revert to monarchy, not through some grand scheme of reformers, but in precisely the organic process you mention. 

Art writes:

Arguably an elective monarchy or a more complex system of succession that included the entire Royal Family would be best options. A single line of succession has too many weak spots. I do agree that any changes must arise organically.

Josh writes:

“A good white Christian king and a genuine white Supremacist…

I ask Art, “what is the difference?””

The difference is that a good white Christian king is not intimately concerned with the Race of his subjects, and arguably the race of the subjects should not be as relevant as in a Democracy. If the subjects do not vote you don’t get many of the racial issues that plague our society. We don’t need a right wing affirmative action. We just need to reassert the fact that our heroes were white historically and repeal the affirmative action we have now. Reducing or cutting off immigration might help. That will probably happen once we are no longer the cornucopia of wealth we used to be.

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