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Global Feminism Advances Day By Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Global Feminism Advances Day By Day

November 14, 2011


EMILY HALL writes:

I saw this article in The Economist and as I read it I couldn’t help but shake my head. The title reads: “The Decline of Asian Marriage – Asia’s Lonely Hearts.” The subtitle follows with, “Women are rejecting marriage in Asia. The social implications are serious.” Hmmmm, you don’t say?

The article wonders why women want to work and not get married, why they’re living with partners before marrying them and why Taiwanese man just can’t seem to find a good girl any more. I wish I could write the authors and tell them all the answers to their questions can be found on your blog.

As a wife and working woman (just until the babies come) in the Middle East I can assure you this isn’t just an American/European problem that has leeched its way into Asia. It’s a global issue that’s going to leave us all in very deep moral ditch staring up at the sky wondering, “why don’t we have families any more?” No matter how traditional the woman, how covered in a burqa she is, or how domesticated she may seem, the ideals of Feminism keep her squarely in her desk chair with no room whatsoever for her to realize her true purpose.

Please keep writing. You are truly one of the highlights of my day.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Feminism is a global phenomenon, causing plunging birth rates and family deterioration in many parts of the world. It’s important to remember just how much this state of affairs is promoted by Western feminist policy, endorsed by the U.N., Western nations and multinational, borderless corporations.

Here is a report recently released by the international think tank, the Center for Work-Life Policy, headquartered in New York and funded by major multinational corporations. The report recommends companies take various familiar feminist measures to convince women in “emerging markets” in Brazil, India, China, Russia and the Middle East to overcome pressure from their traditionally-inclined families to leave work when their children are born. The report is titled Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets: Why Women are the Solution.

The Center’s recommendations come masked in the language of good-will toward women. But of course it is in the interest of companies to broaden the labor pool. Most of these women in “emerging markets” will not be working at the higher levels of business and taking in fat salaries. They will be doing various forms of administrative grunt work and it’s in the interest of the business world to keep them at their desks. It is unthinkable that a major think tank today would release a similar report titled: Winning the War for Talent in Emerging Markets: Why Men are the Answer.


                                   — Comments —

Alissa writes:

Forgive me for my strong language but if I had a stake to drive into the heart of feminist multinational corporations and liberal international organizations I would. These vampires are sucking the blood of the living and turning most of the planet into the living dead. I’m seeing with my own eyes what they’re doing to my (non-Western) country and I don’t like it one bit. Once again pardon me for my strong reaction.

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