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Good-Hearted Evil « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Good-Hearted Evil

November 21, 2011


IN OUR perverse world, evil often wears the face of a good-hearted man. At VFR, Lawrence Auster writes about the French official who defended the decision to allow a 17-year-old boy who had raped a girl free without warning others of his record. The rapist was accepted to a private school, where he raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl:

Remember the name Matthieu Bonduelle, because what he said is the essence of liberal evil. In the mind of this monster, to separate from society a person who is a manifest threat to society, poses an even greater risk of a repeat offense than letting him back into society. Why? Because, as liberals see it, people are naturally good and society’s institutions–in this case prisons–make people bad. As liberals see it, a society that imprisons rapists and murderers is cruel and inhumane; a society that releases rapists and murderers from prison to rape and kill again is humane and virtuous, because, even though it is unfortunate and “shocking” if more people are raped and killed, society, by believing in the essential goodness of the killer and giving him another chance, has shown that its heart is in the right place.

If there were in the West conservatives or traditionalists worthy of the name, what would they say about a case like this? They would say that they reject to its bottom-most roots our modern liberal society which places the well-being and possible rehabilitation of violent criminals over the safety of the innocent. They would say that when a person announces by his behavior that he is a grave threat to society, he must be separated from society forever.

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