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Laugh Until You Weep « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Laugh Until You Weep

November 8, 2011



IF AT LEAST one of the major comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live does not do a send up of yesterday’s press conference by Sharon Bialek then the entire comedy establishment is bankrupt and derelict in its partisan duty to make fun of Republicans.

Here we have a woman effusing sensuality with tousled hair, dangling earrings and heavy make-up who stands before the nation and says that many years before, when she was presumably much more attractive and effusively sensual, she went out on a dinner date alone with a business associate who had just told her he had upgraded her hotel room to a suite. Then – horrors! – after a number of drinks together and a romantic evening in an Italian restaurant, he put his hand up her skirt and moved her head towards him.

“How could this happen to widdle ol’ me?! I was only looking for a job!”

Not only is Cain’s accuser a joke, but Cain himself (if what she says is true, and it appears to be true) is a joke. Who wants a man guilty of such reckless, illicit behavior in the presidency? I don’t.


                                                           — Comments —

Fred Owens writes:

“Not only is Cain’s accuser a joke, but Cain himself (if what she says is true, and it appears to be true) is a joke. Who wants a man guilty of such reckless, illicit behavior in the presidency? I don’t.”

Take any American hero, from Thomas Jefferson to Mickey Mantle, and their reputations would never survive the kind of intense media scrutiny that our leaders face today.

Furthermore, take the common American man and we hope he is a hero to his wife and his children, but he may have done something at one time or another that was not exemplary.

I would say if you know some American men as heroes, whether they be famous or common, then a closer examination will reveal flaws, including moral flaws.

Laura writes:

The scrutiny has increased, but so has the level of tolerance. Voters are willing to forgive some transgressions. Politicians are rarely saints.  

However, married men who are habitual womanizers tend to be liars. This incident suggests that Cain falls into that category. There are many positions in which such men can flourish. They shouldn’t be presidential candidates for the conservative party.

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