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More on Life Outside (and Inside) the Mainstream « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Life Outside (and Inside) the Mainstream

November 5, 2011


A.M. writes:

It seems impossible to be genuinely traditionalist without attacking that to which contemporary society gives unanimous assent. For instance, we often hear of some “pro-family” organization protesting a television show. That television can be anything but anti-family is a farce; it has been known as a “vast wasteland” for over a half century, yet these clowns go on owning sets and vainly trying to sanitize their content. They buy a viper and then have the audacity to complain that it has a venomous bite.

I am reminded of a personal episode, where I was not truly friends with anyone around me; I started to ask, “what is wrong with me?” Of course, I could’ve very well been to blame. But as soon as I changed my choice of company, I began to make friends. As long as I had remained, however, I felt bizarre and odd. As with your comment about parades, we live in a society where we must pay tribute to the macabre, and disdain the good and the beautiful. If we don’t, we are, mongoloids, philistines, or fascists.

On an unrelated note, you may recall the woman who caused a stir by painting her son’s toenails hot pink in a company ad. She, Jenna Lyons, is the president of J. Crew. Lyons is now divorcing her husband and openly dallying with another woman, which probably didn’t just begin either. Dr. Keith Ablow of Fox News suggests that Lyons actively disdains men, to explain why she treated her son like a girl and, I’d add, why she now pursues women. In all of her photos, she evinces a rather necrotic appearance.

Laura writes: 

I had heard about the Jenna Lyons story a couple of weeks ago. Below is a photo of Lyons and Courtney Crangi, her girlfriend. As soon as I saw it, I thought of my best friend and me dressed up for Halloween. I guess little girls can’t do that anymore. Friendship, as you said, is not what it once was.


Jenna Lyons (left) and Courtney Crangi


B. (right) and me

B. (on the right) and me

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