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More on Women Priests « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Women Priests

November 22, 2011


THE reasons why women cannot be – and should not be – priests are rooted in biology, psychology, ethics and metaphysical reality. In this entry, Kristor expands on the subject. The position of priest is not simply one of privilege, it is a form of sacrifice. He writes:

As Christ is both victim and priest, so are Christian priests victims. In the very beginning of the religion that later became the Temple cult, and then Christianity, this meant the High Priest’s own death. When he entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement each year, utterly alone, the High Priest did not expect to survive the journey. He expected to be blasted by the Presence that awaited him behind the veil.

Men are preferred for sacrifice for the same reason they are preferred for soldiery and hunting; they are more expendable. For obvious reasons, the death of a few men damages a people’s demographic prospects far less than the loss of a single woman. Men are preferred for sacrifice. A culture that sacrifices its females is tending toward death. So, putting women in sacrificial, potentially all-consuming roles like soldier, cop, firefighter – or priest – is a formal demographic suicide. We should be horrified at the idea. That we are not just shows how far gone we are already.

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