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Qaddafi, the Vatican and Sin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Qaddafi, the Vatican and Sin

November 16, 2011


DAN writes:

From the latest article by traditionalist writer Mark Hackard:

Four days after Gaddafi’s death, the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace released a white paper on international financial reform. The document has gained certain notoriety with its call for a world Authority and the birth of a new global society, a process shown to be already well underway. It speaks of solidarity and subsidiarity, brotherhood and charity, yet not once is there mention of the word sin. Who today would dare speak of such antiquated superstitions? Not the cardinals of the Holy See, but the brutal and bizarre Muammar Gaddafi, who in final agony would identify the nature of Leviathan’s works.

Transgression is virtue in the age of apostasy, and the new religion self-worship. Man ascends as a perverse and bestial god to re-order creation according to his will, a vision manifesting in a kingdom of death. This is the ancient hope and our Brave New World, the Novus Ordo Seclorum. This is sin.

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