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A Handsome Couple « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Handsome Couple

December 12, 2011


DIANA writes:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Republican ticket is Romney and Bachmann. They are such a sheerly pleasant-looking duo. I mean: looking at either of them is nice, but looking at both literally induces a feeling of euphoria, they are so attractive together. Their individual vocal timbres match and complement one another as well. Some folks don’t like Mrs. Bachmann’s Midwestern twang: I love it. I have a weakness for Midwestern voices. To me, they denote honesty, politeness and solidity. I thought Bachmann looked and sounded great on Saturday. But she won’t be the


                                                               — Comments —

Samuel C. Starrett writes:

I pray this is a joke. It’s hard to tell at this point.

Laura writes:

Diana was not joking. At least, I believe she was not. But her point was about their appearance only, not their suitability for office.

I facetiously referred to Romney and Bachmann as a “couple.” I thought Diana’s comment was interesting because, in the minds of the public, they would perhaps come across as a couple on a subliminal level.  If a woman is the presidential candidate, she makes a male vice president seem effeminate. And if the woman is the vice president, she suggests a quasi-wife to the president. 

Diana writes:

I was not joking about Mr. Romney and Mrs. Bachmann – nor was I recommending. I have many reservations about Romney, which I will spare you, but I’ve already referred to one in a previous email. I pointed out that it was under Governor Romney that Massachusetts became the first state to legalize “same-sex marriage” – an issue which has so far gone unremarked upon in the debates. Interesting, that. Romneycare has been brought up but not “same-sex marriage.”

 I am positive that this is no accident. For any politician, “gay rights” is a nightmare, a no-win situation, the La Brea Tar pits, and I think they have agreed not to let this issue come up. It would only hurt everyone.

 My comment was based solely on the creature impact of Mr. Romney and Mrs. Bachmann. They are an incredibly handsome, well-matched white couple, and their presence would be a comfort to people who are profoundly disturbed by the social upheavals of the last decade. Electing them would do nothing to stop this destructive whirlpool, which has much bigger causes than who occupies the White House. In fact, if a Republican president is elected, the “gay rights” crowd will go crazy. I mean, even crazier than they are, which is pretty crazy. They control the culture.

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