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An Empire of Homosexual Tyranny « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Empire of Homosexual Tyranny

December 8, 2011


DAN writes:

Not content to merely impose an abstract human rights regime on the rest of the world (most recently in Libya), Barack Obama is unwavering in his commitment to the spread of “glitter imperialism” (as traditionalist writer Mark Hackard dubbed the internationalization of the homosexual agenda). Raven Clabough writes at the New American:

The White House has announced that it will use foreign aid to promote global rights for gays and lesbians.

President Obama made his intentions clear in a memo circulated yesterday, directing American agencies working abroad to use foreign aid to help homosexuals abroad who face human rights violations.

“I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting L.G.B.T. [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] persons around the world,” Obama averred in the memorandum, “whether it is passing laws that criminalize L.G.B.T. status, beating citizens simply for joining peaceful L.G.B.T. pride celebrations, or killing men, women and children for their perceived sexual orientation.”

He also directed U.S. agencies to protect gay and lesbian refugees and those who are seeking asylum.

In a recent statement, the President observed, “The struggle to end discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons is a global challenge, and one that is central to the United States’ commitment to promoting human rights.”

It should be noted that when the liberal establishment thinks of “violence and discrimination” against homosexuals, they have not in mind the murder of homosexuals in Muslims countries, but rather the still semi-traditional Catholic and Orthodox Christian societies in Eastern Europe who have not fully succumbed to the New World Order. They have no intention of stopping the killing of homosexuals in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and elsewhere in the Middle East, but rather will to impose the homosexual agenda (especially homosexual “marriage”) on Eastern Europe.

Laura writes:

Here is a video of Hillary Clinton speaking to employees of the State Department last year, vowing to advance homosexual rights around the world. 

“I am very proud that the United States, and particularly the State Department, is taking the lead to confront the problems LGBT face,” she said. 

“Human rights are gay rights and gay rights are human rights … I am asking every regional bureau to make this issue a priority.” She called for employees to reach out and engage in “mentoring” of homosexuals and to create a “safe space” for them. “Particularly young people, particularly teenagers,” she said.

It is an extraordinary speech. There has never before been a country like this. A nation that promotes and encourages homosexuality in other lands makes Sodom seem virtuous.

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