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Borzellieri on the Surrender of the Church « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Borzellieri on the Surrender of the Church

December 30, 2011


FRANK BORZELLIERI, outrageously fired as principal of a Catholic school in the Bronx last summer because of his conservative writings on race, examines the state of the Catholic Church in an article at Alternative Right.  “It is an absolute mystery why liberals hate the Church—for liberals are the Church’s master!”  he writes.

He identifies three reasons why the Church has caved in to liberalism: image, money and power. But of course Catholic leaders have another important motive for this surrender. They sincerely believe in liberalism. The banalization of the liturgy since Vatican II has stripped them of authority and a sense of the sacred, creating a vacuum for this alternative faith. 

Even on abortion, Church leaders have demonstrated cowardice, Borzellieri argues. On every other issue, the Church is left of center. (Unfortunately, Borzellieri describes Church leaders as “sucking up” to the liberal establishment, a highly offensive turn of phrase):

Liberalism has always defined compassion in the most odd manner—usually as taking other people’s money through force and coercion to use for the benefit of those who did not earn it. Thus, the Church’s outlandish support of every government-sponsored social program which taxpayers are forced to subsidize whether they like it or not. True compassion, of course, is voluntary.

On immigration, the open borders sentiment of the Church is at odds with the law and the democratic will of the American people. But the Church does not merely advocate the changing of the law, they support those who break the law.

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