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From the Mailbag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From the Mailbag

December 8, 2011


TRACY writes:

I came across your site and read several of your posts. I am assuming that you are a white female, probably middleclass/upper middleclass. Quite frankly what you were writing and your opinions are appalling. I seriously, seriously suggest you see a therapist. No one can live with that much hate and negativity in their soul. 



                                                               — Comments —

Joe Long writes:

“No one can live with that much hate and negativity in their soul. Seriously.”

It’s sometimes fun to ponder statements like this as if they were actually meant; you know, as if the words were intended to represent some form of reality, not simply an outpouring of emotion.

So, Laura, for this to be a true statement, certain conclusions follow:

You either are not, presently, living, or will soon expire from the effects of your “hate and negativity.” (As a clear corollary, if you ever meet an old person with similar levels of “hate and negativity”, it must have manifested recently, because if they’d had it decades earlier they would have been able to live to their ripe old age.)

You have more “hate and negativity” (henceforth “h.&n.) than anyone who, historically, DID live for any extended period of time. Just to pick the standard Internet example: servants of the Third Reich had less “h.&n.” – for many of them lived. (I suppose there may be an out, if the “h.&n.” was not located “in their soul” [sic], but rather somewhere else. Indeed, as a traditionalist, I try to keep most of my “h.&n.” in my gall bladder.)

Or might it be that it is not hate OR negativity, but the peculiar combination of “h.&n.” which causes damage – as combining the wrong household cleansers can produce chlorine gas? If so, then perhaps a mixture of love and negativity – or of hate and…um…”positivity”, I suppose…would be innocuous. Indeed, “hate and positivity” – “h.&p.”, that would be – offers yet another explanation for the survival of National Socialists, as well as that of devotees of more recent manifestations of the race-based progressive outlook. Eric Holder, now that I think about it, seems a relentless “hate and positivity” type, like most “for your own good” bureaucrats.

I suppose, though, that the conservative way out of the “h.&n.” deathtrap remains “love and negativity”; the Puddleglum option. Personally I intend to cling to that one, as the positivity around me gets worse and worse.

Laura writes:

The problem is, I feel terrific! If h. & n. are lethal, I am a walking medical miracle or I don’t have much h. & n.

As Frederick William Faber said, “Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness.” I would expand that to: “Where there is no hatred of evil, there is no holiness.” So I aspire to righteous hatred and negativity.

Imagine if I walked into the therapist’s office and said, “I feel terrific!”

I would be happy to give the therapist therapy if she wanted, but I’d charge for it. 

Roger G. writes:

“No one can live with that much hate and negativity in their soul.”

Spleen is no excuse for bad grammar.

Buck writes:

I simply burst into laughter at reading that.

Laura writes:

You need therapy too.

Karen I. writes: 

I am glad to hear you are doing well, after being told by an apparent expert that you are filled with hate and negativity. My daughter isn’t doing as well today. She is filled with a nasty stomach virus that has resulted in prolonged bouts of severe vomiting and a fever that the doctor just told me could last all weekend. My home would certainly be smelling better and I’d have much less laundry to do today if my daughter was simply filled with hate and negativity. I’d take that over a stomach bug any day!

 John writes:

What Tracy needs is an exorcist.

Art writes:

I can see how someone who admires good culture and entertainment must be filled with Hate and Negativity. At least in the mind of those addled by modernity. That admiration for beautiful paintings shows clear Hate and Negativity. Love for Swedish folk music shows definite Hate and Negativity.

A Grateful Reader writes:

Most therapists and Miss Tracy would benefit immeasurably from your clinical therapy, but they probably cannot afford it. As a less costly alternative, I recommend to Miss Tracy and her therapists the book Orthodox Psychotherapy by Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos. For those who would prefer a thinner text, he also wrote Illness and Cure of the Soul. The very serious Miss Tracy will do well to taste more of The Thinking Housewife’s recipes for the cure of the soul, although, perhaps not those for pizza-stuffed turkey, lest she end up like Karen I.’s daughter.

A reader writes:

I think Tracy works for Domino’s or Papa John’s.

Laura writes:

Hmm…. I hadn’t thought of that. They may have gotten word I’m not eating my share of Double Cheese Double Crust Pepperoni Pizza Stuffers. In the view of Domino’s, you’re filled with hate and negativity if you eat pizza less than three times a week.

Rita Jane writes:

You know how it is. Liberals tend to assume the typical conservative man’s day goes like this. I mean, the hatred and negativity just spills out all over the place.

7:00 a.m. Wake up. Get ready for job at evil soul-crushing corporation. Shout at municipal garbage collectors on the way out to work (your drive there in your Hummer) for being lazy leeches of taxpayer dollars.

8:30 a.m. Get to work at investment bank/evil multinational that sells baby seal pelts/right wing think tank. Sexually harass the secretary for a bit. Insinuate that your Hispanic colleague is an affirmative action hire. Be sure to make other colleagues uncomfortable with outspoken political diatribes at inappropriate moments.

5:00 p.m. After leaving work, head to the grocery store. Be sure to shout nasty things at the person paying with an EBT card. (Wait, who am I kidding? Conservative men never buy groceries.)

5:45 p.m. Get home. Yell at the single mother across the street whose has just arrived home after work with her kids from day care. It’s important she knows you disapprove of her life. Call her a whore! Brownie points if you manage to shout at a homosexual as well. Inspect wife’s work to make sure kitchen floors were suitably scrubbed with a toothbrush while she was at home today.

6:30 p.m. Watch Fox News while your wife does the dishes from the three-course meal she served.

10:00 p.m. Beat your wife and/or children before going to bed.

Use your imagination to figure out what the conservative wives such as yourself must be doing. I mean, you have the whole day to spread hatred and negativity!

Laura writes:

You’re right. Conservative housewives tend to be out of control. How many times have you turned on your TV only to find yet another news report of a homeschooling housewife going into a mall and gunning people down? It’s sickening. Enough is enough. 

Scott writes:

“The love of a hero is more terrible than the hatred of a tyrant. The hatred of a hero is more generous than the love of a philanthropist.”

— G.K. Chesterton, from Orthodoxy (1908)

Laura writes:

And here’s a quote from Edmund Burke: “They will never love where they ought to love who do not hate where they ought to hate.”


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