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God and Tebow « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

God and Tebow

December 12, 2011



It’s not surprising that sports writers are poo pooing Tim Tebow and the seemingly miraculous wins of the Broncos. Since the rise of Babe Ruth, sports writers have spoken of athletes as gods but not admired the God-worshipping athlete if he goes beyond small gestures.

The education and life experiences of Tebow, who said that the Broncos’ win on Sunday was preordained, are in stark opposition to the standard fare hired by NFL teams. In the eyes of many Bronco fans, Mr. Tebow now can seemingly do no wrong. This does not make any sense to sports writers, largely because they live in a make-believe world, where often the uneducated, lazy, and criminal are rewarded. Tim spent much of his childhood serving in the Filipino mission fields with his family travels. He was homeschooled through high school where he played for Nease HS (an IB school with 8 to 9 National Merit candidates per year, a Junior Naval Reserve program, Mechanical Engineering program, and a strong AP program). He attended the University of Florida where he won two National Championships, and was the first Sophomore to win the Heisman. He also won the Maxwell Award twice (the only one to have ever done so).

For the sake of full disclosure, I am a Seminole booster and an Oakland Raiders fan, which in turn means I don’t much care for the U. of F. program, and root against the Broncos almost every time they play. I understand why some people are rubbed the wrong way when Tim is constantly promoting his Christian faith.  Mr. Tebow is an anomaly not only in sports, but in day to day life. He is a warrior on the field and off, and he will not throw down his shield because it offends. I am 51 years old, and I am forced to look up to a young man of half my age.


                                            — Comments —

Roger G. writes:

For the sake of full disclosure, I was an offensive guard for 17 years and a prop forward for 20 some years after that, and I say Tim Tebow plays a silly game for a living, and he should look up to you, because you’re older, and do something useful. I also think God ought to get his priorities straight, or at least have the cheerleaders put on clothes and stop coochy dancing.

Panem et Circenses. Bloody hell.

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