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How Do Thugs Get Into College? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How Do Thugs Get Into College?

December 12, 2011


MATTHEW writes:

I was greatly disappointed by a recent statement by Dean College spokesman Gregg Chalk regarding the expulsion of nine black students involved in the widely-publicized assault of another student. “[The incident] is in no way indicative of the type of student or type of environment at Dean College,”  he said. In being admitted to Dean College, those nine students (not merely one, but nine!) therefore represent the college—period.  The school’s swift expulsion of them did not alter this fact.  Or does the Dean College admissions department have standards that defy common sense, by welcoming even those who are not “indicative of the type of student or type of environment” envisioned for the school? 

Instead of such “damage control” clichés by Mr. Chalk, Dean College should release a full statement to the press and public explaining exactly why each of those young men were ever admitted as students. Was it intellectual acumen?

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