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Obama Booed at Army-Navy Game « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama Booed at Army-Navy Game

December 12, 2011


BUCK writes: 

I attended the Army-Navy football game on Saturday. During the game’s opening ceremonies, President Obama and Vice-President Biden were introduced and walked out onto the sideline of the field to a mixed greeting. This was Obama’s first attendance. (Is there an election coming up?) You can imagine that the crowd of 80,000 plus was steeped in the ways of the military. I was sitting with three Naval Academy graduates; one a 30-year-retired Captain, one now with the FBI.
Many of us went quiet and still at the announcement of the president’s entrance. One in our group booed. However, there was a clear and distinct booing throughout the stadium, easily heard under a respectful applause. I didn’t read that anywhere today. 
A women in front of us turned with a smile and said to my friend “He’s still the President of the United States. I don’t think that it’s appropriate to boo him. He’s still your president.” My friend turned to her and said, “I do” then they both turned back to the field.

 Nothing else was said. But, it did hang there for a moment. I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one thinking about it and wondering just what is appropriate in our current deteriorating nation.

I was thinking that this former Naval officer and now federal officer, who booed, swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and he’s still defending it. He did not take an oath to defend the President, the Vice-president or the SECDEF (who was also there). In fact, officers don’t even swear an oath to follow orders. Enlisted swear to follow orders, officers have a higher duty.
His oath, as all commissioned officers oath is; is to defend the United States Constitution. That oath was established specifically to insure and to declare that no allegiance shall be sworn to any man.
I’ve written before that I don’t believe that the historical American patriotism that once animated military service largely exists in the same way anymore. Service is more about proficiency, honor, duty and loyalty to mission and unit, rather than to a patriotism and love of the America nation. I continue to emphasize the distinction between America and the United States. I don’t believe that many in that stadium truly believe that Barack Obama cares deeply about the historic American nation, and certainly not for the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. It appears to many, that to Obama it is nothing more than a historical back drop or a quaint point of reference for the very thing that he hopes and dreams to change.
There was the traditional flyover of Navy F-18 fighter jets and Army Apache helicopters, which still makes me swell with pride. Other than the woman’s polite objection to the boos, I didn’t see or hear a hint of discord all that long day, just camaraderie and fellowship. Soldiers and sailors laughing with genuine affection and respect for each other. It’s hard to imagine being in a safer and more agreeable place, with better people. But, something feels more wrong with this president, and there’s obviously something wrong with a military when it begins to mimic and assume the characteristics of the sick and confused society and degenerating culture from which it comes.
Anyhow, Navy 27, Army 21. “Double D”. “The Dominate Decade.”  Navy, 10 straight wins. (They give us a ride!)
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