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Soldier Tells His Father He’s Homosexual « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Soldier Tells His Father He’s Homosexual

December 22, 2011


DIANA writes:

I rarely watch the evening news due to the rampant bias, but tonight I tuned in. One of the channels (I forget which, they are so interchangeable, and I switch between the three), had a report on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and its effects on the troops in Afghanistan.

It was a puff piece. Everything peachy keen. No problems – none. Everyone gets along, mutual respect, yessir. As if soldiers in the field would ever confide dissenting opinions on camera.

What truly appalled me was a digression in the report on homosexual servicemen (and women) “coming out” to their parents. One guy actually put a video of himself “coming out’ to his father on Youtube, which has garnered over 5 million views.

Sometimes I wonder whether we are creating a job category: the professional homosexual. It’s a job with great benefits. As the economy continues to fall apart, as families continue to crumble, one wonders how many suggestible young people will go this route.

The military requires people with stability, and homosexuals are known to be relatively unstable. [This is a meta-analysis of a lot of studies. Doesn’t tell us anything we don’t already know, but the wealth of data is impressive.] What kind of a person publicizes videos of himself  telling his parents he’s a homosexual? A crazy person, an exhibitionist. This is what’s in our military? We might as well surrender now.

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