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The Pink Kitchen « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pink Kitchen

December 24, 2011


pink kitchen 

 JAMES N. writes:

We just put it together. Six hours. Solid wood.

Should I be worried about stereotyping or setting patriarchal expectations?

Laura writes:

That’s stunning. Truly beautiful. I’m jealous.

James responds:

Made in China, of course. But still a very nice repro of something little girls used to like to play with (mine still do).

My daughter actually asked Santa for “a pink kitchen;” she has a friend with a plastic one.

Laura writes:

I experienced such bliss in a kitchen like that. My sisters and I also had a formica table with high chairs and miniature replicas of soup cans and boxes of food. I felt as if I was on top of the world.

What happiness. What a perfect foreshadowing of the fulfillment I would find in my real kitchen, with all its infuriating imperfections. 

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