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Uganda’s Social Workers Refuse to Lie « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Uganda’s Social Workers Refuse to Lie

December 8, 2011


SAMSON writes:

Your recent post about Russia reminded me of the controversy over Uganda. Since the media is in the tank for the homosexual lobby, there has been nothing but criticism of Uganda’s repressive stance on same-sex relations. One subtext of a lot of this discussion has been racism: “Well, after all, what can you expect from those barbaric black Africans!” It was with great pleasure, then, that I read this position statement put forth by the National Association of Social Workers of Uganda:

5. The question of human rights:
From the professional standpoint, when clients come to a professional practitioner, be it a doctor, a lawyer or a Social Worker, they have a right to be given accurate information about the matter troubling them. The professional practitioner must not withhold any information pertinent to the matter at hand, because professional help exists to assist clients make informed choices. Therefore, the tendency to argue that same-sex attraction is an innate condition and that persons who experience such attraction have a human right to engage in homosexuality, obscures vital information clients should be given and amounts to professional misconduct. In civilized society, attraction to somebody or anything, of itself, does not legitimize indulgence of that attraction. A right to indulgence must be assessed on whether natural, health, social and cultural considerations would judge that indulgence as justified.

Alfred Kinsey’s argument of ‘sexual orientation’ is a misnomer because it is based on the “attraction principle”. But, based on this argument, a married man who feels attracted to other women [as universally happens] would be justified to claim that “adultery” is his sexual orientation. Or a thief could claim that “shop-lifting” is their orientation. Or “violent anger” could pass as an “orientation” and be excusable. Based on the “attraction” argument, there is no reason to legislate against pedophiles who claim that their orientation is to have sexual relations with children and that children have capacity to consent such relations. The truth is that in real life, human beings may feel attraction to all kinds of things, but these attractions must be subjected to natural, health, social and cultural considerations to decide what is permissible or not. Only animals can live life basing on instinct, but humans must subject their behavior to reason, which animals are incapable of. Human society is inconceivable without each person learning how to exercise restraint on “attractions” and consciously choosing to behave in acceptable ways. The “restraint principle” is what makes human society livable.

It really is phenomenal. It disconcerts me a little bit to see so much truth in one place.

We conclude this statement with the following guidance about the proposed Anti-homosexuality Bill, 2009:

Our independent findings show that this Bill was necessitated by extraordinary developments in Uganda and around the world which have been widely documented and reported in the media, including:

f) the mistake in western society, where the issue of homosexuality was handled lightly as a minor, private issue, but these societies are waking up too late on realizing that the matter affects how their entire society is ran, what children are taught at school and literally what everybody “must believe and practice”. This waking-up is for example seen in anti-gay-marriage campaigns in United States, where US citizens are fighting to retain traditional family values against stiff competition from gay-activists in 31 states where the matter has come up for a referendum vote, winning such ballot battles by the skin of their teeth.

Altogether, this is the most articulate, well-reasoned piece I have ever seen by any professional organization on the topic. Contrast it with the propaganda produced by Western medical associations (which are now promoting “transgenderism” as the latest fad!), then consider Mark Shea’s repeated dictum that “sin makes you stupid,” and I reiterate that I am no longer convinced that we are the world’s “good guys.” We are spiritually extinct.


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