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Ad Draws Heat Because It Suggests Men Cannot Menstruate « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ad Draws Heat Because It Suggests Men Cannot Menstruate

January 3, 2012


JEANETTE V. writes:

This is a fine example of just how degraded we have become as a culture. A television commercial portrays a man dressed as a woman in a woman’s restroom. He is applying make-up in a mirror next to a woman. They compete for a feminine look until finally the woman pulls out a tampon and the cross-dressing man walks away in a huff.

The idiocy of the resulting scandal is even worse. The mentally confused and disturbed are decrying the ad not because of its disgusting portrayal of a cross-dressing man but because it is “transphobic.” The media is reporting this as if it is “news.” 

Laura writes:

A comment from one of The Daily Mail readers:

We are now facing a deluge of truthphobic nonrealities.

Tampon commercials don’t belong on television. But that objection is positively quaint in light of this story. The advertiser surely anticipated and desired this controversy.


                                 — Comments —

Alissa writes:

I’ve briefly surveyed the original YouTube video. It has 1,000 plus comments and the discussion is a scandal. On one side, we have those who argue for truth, goodness and beauty and on the other side we have young feminist women, tranvestites, transexuals and their degenerate sympathizers. Many of these sympathizers criticized religion while others talked about how infertility negates the fact that the genders are different and all voiced tolerance towards the LBGT community. One comment even blamed patriarchy for the ad.

Jeanette writes:

I feel like I live in the bizarro world of DC Comics, which I knew as a kid.

Alissa writes:

Sorry I spelled a word wrong. It’s not LBGT. It’s LGBT.

Laura writes:

Who cares whether it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender?

This acronym is chillingly totalitarian.

A Grateful Reader writes:

Here on your site, as you may recall, a good professor suggested a better acronym for the LGBTQQ People: “NINCOMPOOPS.” It has become the acronym to which we turn; thus, our children and those of our homeschooling friends will not have to know about such perversions before they know more of the world. Although we avoid media such as television, newspapers and most magazines, we must be vigilant in policing what comes into the house, and even which bus stops we pass, because the perverted are pushing the envelope of publicity.

Last week, a magazine about our local community was mailed “free” to all of the houses in the area. It contained mostly stories about “The best town [doctor, lawyer, financial adviser…]” and many advertisements for local doctors, lawyers, and financial advisers. The children’s orthodontist advertised in it, as did many real estate agents in the neighborhood, and a popular pediatric dentist we know was featured in the first article. Thus, it seemed benign. However, my husband found two photographs to be so obscene that only a few decades ago they would not have been seen anywhere but in the likes of Playboy or Hustler magazines. One was a full-page ad for breast enhancement surgery and another was from a women’s body-building article. I barely noticed those.

The feature article about NINCOMPOOPS startled me. It was about a boy at the town’s public high school. He was bullied and then committed suicide. He wasn’t gay (well, not exactly, but we don’t learn about that until later). In the midst of the story, we learn that his “parents” are two lesbians, one of whom conceived him with a mutual friend; but she didn’t bother to get knocked up in the natural way, they went to a doctor for that. The lesbian bore a little girl, Caitlin, who was raised by the two lesbians “to be anything she wanted to be.” Well, the little girl decided around age 12 or 13 that she wanted to be a boy.

Her “mothers” sent her to therapists who told them that they shouldn’t perform surgery on the child… not yet, but they could give her testosterone shots throughout puberty to begin the process. After asking the barely teen-aged Caitlin, “Are you SURE about this?” and receiving a “convincing” response, one of the “mothers”, a licensed nurse, began injecting the little girl with hormones which were given to her by a licensed doctor. The girl, now known as Aiden William, was thrilled to grow a beard and even have a “girlfriend.” Her “parents” insisted that everyone call her “he,” and she had many friends. She said she was even pleased to be beat up downtown (late at night) in the nearby city by some tough guys because they “thought I was a boy.”

But she was sometimes teased at school. She experimented with drugs and was angry and violent. Her “parents” blamed the hormones – MALE hormones. When several of her friends received email messages with sentimental overtones, they went the next morning to her house and in through the dog door to her basement room where they found that she had killed herself. She was 15 years old. Her “parents” were still asleep upstairs. They blamed the teasing. At the high school and at the local university where one of her “mothers” works, they began bigger and better support groups for NINCOMPOOPS, better than those already in place in both schools. These groups would protect NINCOMPOOPS and forbid hate speech so that “this will never have to happen to another family, ever again.”

Throughout the article the little girl was referred to using only the male-gender pronouns.

As the good professor who supplied the apt acronym also pointed out, in an article here about Chaz Bono, the doctors and the therapists are responsible for the consequenses of recommending that a girl pose as a boy and supplying the mother with hormones.

Laura writes:

Such is the hellish environment in which our children live. 

Alissa writes:

Here on your site, as you may recall, a good professor suggested a better acronym for the LGBTQQ People: “NINCOMPOOPS.” 

That’s a great idea.

A female reader writes:

Regarding “A Grateful Reader’s Story,” giving testosterone to children is a crime.

Some years ago, suffering from a chronic injury, a doctor suggested I take a shot of testosterone. It appears that sometimes a higher “t” level can stimulate the body to heal chronic injuries.

It was strictly supervised and one-time only. My testosterone levels (women do produce it, at much lower levels than males) were checked carefully before and after. After, my t-level went up to what a low-t male’s would be, then descended to a high-level female level, and stayed there for a while. Then it went down to my usual level.

It had its intended effect in helping along a healing process that had stalled. I also felt much more clear mentally (hm). But – I really became aggressive, snappish, and bleak. I felt that the rest of the
world was my object. It was a fascinating experience to go through, but I would never repeat it.

Giving these hormones to children is, as I said, a crime and medical malpractice. It’s much worse than giving steroids to athletes, which is bad enough – and look what has happened to so many of them. A litany of destruction.

John Purdy writes:

But – I really became aggressive, snappish, and bleak. I felt that the rest of the world was my object.

Now you know how I feel all the time :- )

Seriously, that’s a terrible story about Caitlin. You may not be aware of it in the States but we have an almost national conversation going on up here in Canada regarding bullying, particularly of homosexual students. [Laura writes: Yes, it’s the same thing here.] There was a particularly bad incident this year in which an Ontario boy of 15 committed suicide as a result of bullying because he was homosexual. Jamie Hubley committed suicide because he was bullied for being an “openly gay” teen.

Now, understand, no one deserves a sentence of death for making a mistake but I believe it has to be said: why on earth would anyone be “out” as a 15 year old? Moreover he had plucked eyebrows. I don’t know but I truly hope no adult advised him to come out as a teenage boy. If someone did then he is complicit in his suicide. When I was in high school there were at least three boys who came out after high school. None of them would say a word about their proclivities until they were in a safer environment. Boys who are gay should say nothing until they are safely out of high school.

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