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An 18th Century House Blessing « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An 18th Century House Blessing

January 6, 2012


HERE is another example of Pennsylvania German fraktur, in this case a house blessing, or haussegen. It is written on behalf of the head of the household. The translated inscription [it appears to be a rough translation] reads:

Lord Jesus, your grace and trust shall be with us every morning; your hand of blessings shall rule in my trade and station in life. Be with me and with mine, and let us see your help. Through your great name Jesus let me plea be yes and amen. Protect me and my entire house. And was goes in and out from there. Spread your blessing over us and the completion of our deeds. So that we may be filled with your goodness. And feel your grace in everything. Turn us from the ways of sin and vice, that we may use well your blessing. Act according to your will and command. Act uprightly, pious and honestly. Filled with faith and love in the deed, giving help and advice to our neighbor. Give food and a healthy body, yes, bless me with my child and wife. So that we may walk in your ways, because nothing can last without you. Amen.

[in heart on left]
Oh, bless what I do, yes, speak and think, through the power of your spirit, guide and direct it.

[in heart on right]
So that everything tales place only to the honor of your name, and that may remain your property undisturbed.


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