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Average Woman Marine Can’t Do Two Pull-Ups « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Average Woman Marine Can’t Do Two Pull-Ups

January 20, 2012


A PROPOSAL that would have added pull-ups to the Physical Fitness Test for female Marines (yes, there are female Marines) has been tabled indefinitely and women will continue to be accepted without proving they can do a single pull-up.

The Marine Corps Times reports that men currently score 100 points on the PFT when completing 20 pull-ups. The proposed change would have awarded 100 points to women who do six pull-ups. That, however, has been deemed too rigorous. Women are currently required to do a flexed-arm hang for a minimum of 60 seconds. According to the newspaper:

A study of 318 female Marines found that on average, they could perform 1.63 pull-ups. More than 21 percent performed at least three, and 37 percent performed at least three when lower-body movement — a banned practice frequently known as “kip” — was allowed.

In other words, women Marines have on average significantly less upper body strength than the weakest men in the Corps and are thus less capable of performing common tasks, such as lugging heavy equipment. Men, it is reasonable to conclude, are disproportionately burdened by these tasks. The Marine Corps is discriminatory.

Why are there women Marines? It is not because the Marine Corps has difficulty recruiting enough qualified men. The pursuit of equality trumps all other military objectives.


                                                         — Comments —

Buck writes:

One of my best friends, a retired Marine officer, has a daughter who is first year at Penn State. She has applied to ROTC, but has only been accepted into some form of preliminary ROTC program. She was home for the holidays and anxiously in “training” with her year older brother. When she returned to begin her second semester she was going to have to be able to simply hang from the pull up bar for one minute, something that she was unable to do. Her older brother and her younger brother were both able to pump out a set of pull-ups, without training. Her weakness is in spite of the fact that she was a star soccer player throughout high school, and even played on a travel team. She even found it difficult to do several sit ups. These photos of Penn State ROTC cadets shows the dramatic physical differences between the male and female cadets. It’s almost comical.
Candace writes:

Well, this isn’t about the Marines, but it touches on the same subject. I’m a woman and many years ago when I was in college I did a summer “internship” at a large nationally renowned zoo. Basically, I worked as a zookeeper for no pay. I was a biology major and I’ve always loved animals, so I was happy to do the work. So, one day I, and another intern, also female, went into an area to do clean-up. I can’t remember what the animal was, it wasn’t an elephant, but it was large and it was an herbivore which means there’s more to pick up.. So we got out there and we were shovelleling and throwing the stuff in the wheelbarrow and shovelling and throwing more stuff in the wheelbarrow, and when we were finished, guess what? The wheelbarrow was so heavy we couldn’t move it. Try as we might, we could not move it. Fortunately, one of the male zookeepers came along and we asked him to help us. Now, he was sort of a small guy, but he walked over, picked up the handles and walked that wheelbarrow out of there like it was nothing. I will never forget it. 

The bottom line? The worst that can happen in a zoo is that the animals might be a few minutes late to go on exhibit. Whe it comes to things like the military, fire fighting, police work, etc., it’s a different story. If I’m in a burning building I don’t want to see a 5’5″ woman coming to rescue me, I want to see a big burly 6 foot tall man. We women just aren’t as strong as men and all the feminist whining can’t change that. It’s biology.

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