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How Egalitarian Lies Demean Hard-Working Blacks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How Egalitarian Lies Demean Hard-Working Blacks

January 18, 2012


AT VFR, in a discussion of Newt Gingrich’s statement that unemployed blacks should seek work at low-level jobs, a commenter Paul K. writes:

I think you’ve hit upon one of the great conundrums of the current state of civil rights. In the campaign to over-praise blacks, they are told from an early age that they must aspire to the highest professions, and that they have no innate limitations that might make that difficult. The whole culture has conspired to inculcate them with that message. At the same time, the implication is that honest, useful, menial work is beneath them. Is it the fault of blacks that this breeds frustration and resentment?

I regularly interact with blacks who are working at menial but indispensable jobs in a cheerful and conscientious fashion. The caretakers at the Alzheimer’s facility where my mother resides are nearly all black, and they could not be kinder and more patient. How dare the privileged Juan Williams demean these people who accept their lot with dignity?

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