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Post-Conception Britain « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Post-Conception Britain

January 21, 2012


BRITISH regulatory agencies announced yesterday that private hospitals and clinics may for the first time advertise abortion services on television. The two agencies, the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) and the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP), said there were no grounds for denying commercial enterprises the right to advertise given that abortion is legal.

Under Britain’s chillingly Orwellian regulations, an abortion provider is a Post-Conception Advice Service (PCAS).

According to The Telegraph, Conservative MP Nadine Dorries said, “What this is actually going to do is desensitise what abortion is and the seriousness of it, and [make] it sounds like it’s as easy as having your lunch.  That may be great for articulate, well-educated women who know exactly what they want, but the more vulnerable woman who is in emotional turmoil is going to be badly damaged.

“Broadcasters will be making profit through advertising revenue off the back of a service which ends life. It’s appalling.”

What does an abortion ad say to a child? After all, children are quick to understand television ads, even ads with couched language. An abortion ad communicates hopelessness, cruelty and the idea that children are a burden.

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