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Raised to Think « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Raised to Think

January 3, 2012


ART from Texas writes:

My parents are not very conservative and my mother is somewhat liberal though she is a churchgoer now. Nevertheless, they homeschooled me and as a result I was not subjected to the indoctrination of the school system. I was exposed to both Asimov and C.S. Lewis. I read God in the Dock when I was a small boy. In general society, I was exposed to viewpoints outside the liberal vein. All this was a benefit to my education. This is part of the reason why feminists want to keep parents away from children.


                                        — Comments —

Lawrence Auster writes:

Art says, correctly: 

“This is part of the reason why feminists want to keep parents away from children.” 

Which reminds me. We’ve heard the conservative slogan: “Separation of the state from education.” Well, what the left wants is “Separation of parents from education.”


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