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Romney and Evil White America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Romney and Evil White America

January 15, 2012


LEE SIEGEL writes in The New York Times that Mitt Romney telegraphs coded signals to voters – “tossing off phrases like ‘oh gosh'” –   to assure them of his whiteness. This discreet come on is working its magic. According to Siegel, millions of white Americans, even whites who voted for Obama, are so hostile toward non-whites that they are willing to vote for Romney because of his racial purity alone. 

Siegel gives not a single example of anything Romney might do, or proposes to do, to advance the interests of whites. He does not explain Herman Cain’s recent popularity. On the eve of a national holiday dedicated to a black American, he simply asserts that a culture of white picket fences and stay-at-home moms is seething with racial animus.

One reader observes in the comments section after the editorial:

I am not white, but this is possibly the most racist opinion piece I’ve ever read in a major newspaper. Try replacing “white” with “black,” and “Romney,” with “Obama.” Would a comparable column [have] been published? 


                                                               — Comments —

Laura writes:

At VFR, Lawrence Auster writes “it is not irrelevant that the author of this anti-white article is Jewish. Notwithstanding that America has been the most philo-Semitic country in history, many left-liberal Jews have a deep-seated animus against white gentiles and will be content with nothing less than their total dispossession.”

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