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Spin at PSU « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Spin at PSU

January 5, 2012


JEREMY writes:

You may have seen the news about Penn State’s post-scandal memos. Frankly, it’s everything I expected — but why was reading it so sickening to me?

President Rodney Erickson’s strategy to “align our messages” while “taking control of the narrative of our story” and specifying “talking points” with donors, epitomizes spin in its incubation stage and justifies any halfway-decent American citizen in becoming anxiously paranoid about what now passes for “business as usual” in this country. After all, once the Penn State scandal had dropped down from the Top 20 of Google search terms, an eventual return to normalcy was apparently in sight for Erickson and PSU.

I used to believe that anyone would draw a line at exploitation (let alone rape) of a child. I now believe I was wrong.


                                        — Comments —


Roger G. writes:

Does it occur to anyone how twisted and perverse this whole higher education thing must be, that football of all things has such an impact?

And this whole donation travesty? Would we have all these useless courses, and useless degrees, and sports nonsense, if the schools had to function in the real world, and support themselves?

Yessir, those government guaranteed student loans were a great idea.

Buck writes:

Everyone knows that for decades boys and girls have been ever increasingly hyper-sexualized by every institution in the West. Our children are having their childhoods destroyed in pre-school by U.S. Government and academic public policy provisions. Parents have given up their authority to public institutions which are aligned in an effort to radically autonomize children at an ever younger age. Think about what now, already seems mundane and ordinary – condom, oral sex and “fisting” instruction in public school class rooms, instruction given by public policy pushers in our elementary schools. Would that have happened in the 1950s? Of course not. But today it is mandated public policy. We openly welcome and celebrate high school homosexual role models in action. Glee, a TV show, is depicting high school boys engaging in homosexual sex acts. Do adults watch Glee? I’ve never seen it, and thought that it was about singing? Would that have happened on Leave it to Beaver? Of course not. Of course, someone will argue that the actors are actually in their mid 20s and of the age of legal consent. Good enough for them. So, mom and dad, don’t be so shocked to learn that your kids are casually being encouraged to experiment with healthy and normal homosexual sex in high school, while, at the same time, they’re agonizing over the less important choice of a college. 

How does a parent morally condemn something that their own child has done, or that was done to their child or to someone else’s child, when they openly give consent and celebrate every child’s freedom to choose? If your child is in public school, you have given your consent. How can these kids not be confused, when their parents so obviously are? 

Penn State’s institutional authorities were knowingly harboring a pedophile in their midst. They kept it hidden from public view and continued to allow him to access young boys. They protected him. 

Again, what is a criminal sex act under modern liberalism? Is it sex between two or more individuals of unequal power, in which mutual consent is not legally given. Sex acts of any kind, between two or more consenting participants is neither criminal nor wrong. It is neutral and judgment free.

Art writes:

I can echo the point that there is a problem with the entire state university system. I also think Buck made a good point when he explored the contradictions and absurdities of ignoring sexual immorality while obsessing over “education.” I think that in many families “education” is treated as the capstone of “discipline” and the importance of sexual morality is either ignored, or sex is simply treated as something “developmentally inappropriate” for a minor but not morally condemned amongst adults. It is only one small step from there to the toleration of sexual acts at increasingly young ages.

Roger G. writes:

While I’m yammering about subsidized education and socialism, Buck gets to the real issue – child rape. But in my defense, the system that motivated these monsters to cover up child rape would not exist without the subsidization and socialism.

Diana writes:

“While I’m yammering about subsidized education and socialism, Buck gets to the real issue – child rape. But in my defense, the system that motivated these monsters to cover up child rape would not exist without the subsidization and socialism.”

With all due respect, pederasty also exists because we pay for it in the form of box office receipts. I speak of Hollywood. I don’t blame the average person for not realizing what goes on there, because even though I worked in a sub-branch of ‘the industry’ I was pretty naive about it. But I hope that in the coming years, the truth about Hollywood is revealed. It’s a pederast’s heaven.

A former child star, Corey Feldman, went as far as he could but held back from naming names, probably because he couldn’t financially withstand the lawsuits, and also because he’s ‘married to the mob.” (He wants to work again.)

Homosexuals are always talking about coming out of the closet. Would they really want this particular closet to withstand the harsh glare of sunlight? No way.

That’s why I’m in favor of it. If the public knew what they are shelling out for, would they continue to support this monstrousness with their hard-earned dollars? It is one thing to put up with your
pocket being picked by the government, but to actually PAY $10-$12, knowing that your favorite heartthrob got his job by the casting couch – isn’t that a different thing?

Jeremy responds:

Unfortunately, I must answer most pessimistically Diana’s two theoretical questions regarding public knowledge of the homosexual casting couch: 1) Yes, the public still would support such “monstrousness” 2) No, it’s not a different thing; they would still “pay $10–12, knowing [their] favorite heartthrob got his job by the casting couch.” Isn’t this an implied lesson from Penn State University?

Reports of child rape in Penn State’s men’s locker room apparently weren’t sufficient cause for the university to shut down its football season and immediately begin to reevaluate itself, nor did these reports disturb Nittany Lions fans enough to stay away from the stadium. Relatively (if grotesquely) speaking, the casting couch appears somewhat consensual in comparison (albeit illegal regarding Corey Feldman and his peers, of course, due to the age of the actors in question).

For a disturbingly clear view of the homosexual casting couch—and evidence of why I believe it will never disappear from Hollywood—read Robert Hofler’s book The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson: The Pretty Boys and Dirty Deals of Henry Willson. (Point to remember regarding Diana’s perspectives: Hudson’s death—which publicly revealed his homosexual behavior—seemed to foster only new concern about AIDS, not any general repugnance about the way the star actor conducted his life.)



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