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The Pervasive Creed of Radical Autonomy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Pervasive Creed of Radical Autonomy

January 24, 2012


JOSH F. writes:

 Your latest three posts demonstrate the systematic effort to teach, encourage and exalt radical autonomy as the highest value.
First, there are the “neutral” schools that are a product of their own values; non-discrimination and tolerance. From such a genuine application of these values results a “neutral” school, which is a school that simply teaches “radical autonomy,” an amoral, asexual, irreligious,  not-anything- in-particular existence.
Secondly, there is the parent’s reinforcement of this “radical autonomy.” What we have really learned from this SAIL ALONE around the world by a fourteen-year-old girl is that “radical autonomy” is really easy and consequence-free. That’s the general lesson from the parents. The other message of this event is the emasculation of our sons as great and dangerous endeavours are trivialized and the reinforcing notion that our daughters should “sail alone” in the world.
Thirdly, and to bring the ultimate aim into focus, “our” “Christian” president re-affirms not just Michelle’s inherent “right” to have killed his/her daughters in utero and not just his daughters’ inherent “right” to kill their children and his grandchildren in utero, but this “Christian” president affirms the inherent “right” of his own mother to have killed him in utero. In short, this “Christian” president is preaching the value of self-annihilation as a “good thing.” He is preaching the most radical form of radical autonomy.

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