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Would Protectionism Have Saved Kodak? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Would Protectionism Have Saved Kodak?

January 6, 2012


ROGER G. writes:

Donald Trump said on the Sean Hannity Show yesterday that the once mighty Kodak has gone bankrupt because they didn’t get the U.S. government to protect them from Fuji. Trump argued that Fuji destroyed Kodak by selling below manufacturing costs.

Kristor, please address this.

Kristor writes:

Response to Trump: Nonsense. Kodak is in trouble, and so is Fuji, because they did not pivot quickly enough under the onslaught of digital photography. Kodak is in trouble for the same reason the New York Times is in trouble, and the same reason that Borders went out of business, and the same reason that Blockbuster went out of business: smart phones plus the internet. Film is like buggy whips. Let’s just move on, shall we?

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