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Modern Witch Doctors Open Gender Identity Clinics « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Modern Witch Doctors Open Gender Identity Clinics

February 21, 2012


THE U.S. medical establishment, operating under obvious profit-making motives, now condones the mutilation and poisoning of children and adolescents who say they are confused and unhappy with their innate sex. In the ultimate manifestation of societal hatred of male and female, “gender identity” clinics have appeared at major pediatric hospitals. These clinics have invented a devastatingly effective sales pitch, as shown in this AP story. They tell frightened and gullible parents, who may be suffering from mental illness of their own, that their confused children – boys who fantasize about being girls and girls who fantasize about being boys – may commit suicide if they don’t submit to puberty-blocking hormones and surgery. Girls as young as 16 have had their breasts cut off under the supervision of Dr. Norman Spack, of the Children’s Hospital Boston.

The denial of innate sex differences has reached the point of mass hysteria. We are in the grip of collective mental illness and medical sadism.


— Comments —

Sue W. writes:

I love your site! But I find this statement somewhat problematic: The denial of innate sex differences has reached the point of mass hysteria. We are in the grip of collective mental illness and medical sadism. Mass hysteria and medical sadism, yes, but denial of innate sex differences? Isn’t the whole loathsome enterprise contingent upon paying tribute to just that? As in: if you want to behave as a boy (or girl) your body must match that behavior? Heaven forbid that you should just live as a tomboy or an effeminate male! It seems to me this relies on far more upon denial of the immutability of sexual differences rather than their innateness.

I hope that makes some logical sense to you. Insomnia has made me a bit foggy, and I may not be expressing my thoughts as clearly as I would like.

It may or may not surprise you, but there seem to be at least some self-described radical feminists who are absolutely outraged by this issue. They see it as enforcing conformity to socially constructed gender roles which they, of course, oppose. The “transophobia” issue is, and has been, quite a controversy in those circles, particularly as it relates to the Michigan Women’s Music Festival. It makes for fascinating reading.

Many thanks for your thought-provoking site.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

Okay, I see your point. You’re saying that these procedures exalt the biological differences between the sexes by insisting that a boy who feels feminine must physically resemble a girl. In that sense, yes, it’s a perverse glorification of some physical differences. That’s a good point. People who have a strong sense of identification with the opposite sex, which is a mental illness that does occur and cannot be necessarily overcome, have traditionally dressed and acted like the opposite sex, even in adulthood. Why is it necessary to go any farther, especially since the physical changes made by these procedures are superficial? I say there are two reasons why people do go further now. One, medical technology offers these new gimmicks and there are specialists eager to profit from them. And two, the denial of innate differences has reached the point of mass hysteria.

I say denial of innate differences because these procedures do not transform a boy into a girl or a girl into a boy anymore than painting a mustache on my face makes me a man. They merely create the appearance of a boy or a girl, in the same way that different clothes create the appearance of the opposite sex. Synthetic hormones may also create some of the feelings of masculinity or femininity, but they still do not deeply alter the psychic make-up of a boy or girl. A boy, no matter what is done to him, will never start menstruating or become pregnant and a girl will never be able to inseminate another girl. These children and teenagers are tortured for appearance’s sake. Nevertheless, people want them to go through these procedures because they fervently believe in the pretense and want to be confirmed in their deeply held view, which affects all of modern society, that innate differences do not exist.

People truly believe today that a person’s sex can be changed. Similarly, they believe that ordinary men and women can and should act like the opposite sex.

In fact, no matter what feelings of identification a person may have with the opposite sex, he or she is always – physically and psychically – his or her biological sex. A boy who feels a sense of identification with a girl can never have the true psychological make-up of a girl because a girl does not need to negate her body and its processes to feel like a girl. Menstruation, the possibility of pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, maternity – these all shape the inner world of a girl. Even a girl who for some reason is sterile is profoundly afffected by these processes in the sense that she is aware that her body cannot fulfill its nature and cannot affirm her emotional instincts.

A girl, even a masculine tomboy, does not have a history of having been a boy. These freakish medical experiments deny this reality. Similarly, no matter how much in ordinary life we make women masculine and men feminine, this is always an exercise in artificiality and, because the fundamental nature of the sexes cannot be changed, we pay the price in emotional and social disorder.

Laura adds:

The goal of psychiatric treatment is normally to bring the deluded person as much as possible back to reality. A patient who claims he is Michael Jackson or George Washington normally is not indulged in this belief. His parents don’t start treating him as a rock star or a president. The doctor doesn’t recommend that everyone in his life act as if he is Michael Jackson or George Washington or suggest surgery to make him look more like Michael Jackson or George Washington.

All of the children and adolescents who have undergone these treatments may not be sufffering from mental illness given that normal children have very rich fantasy lives and go through stages of what would be considered in an adult delusional thinking. Whether they are mentall ill or not, their delusions should not be entertained. They should be helped to cope with their feelings of identification with the opposite sex and to live as best they can as who they are.

It is highly probable that the parents who bring their children to these clinics have serious psychological problems. These clinics should be shut down. There should be laws against them.

Proph writes:

Sue W. writes:

I find this statement somewhat problematic: The denial of innate sex differences has reached the point of mass hysteria. We are in the grip of collective mental illness and medical sadism. Mass hysteria and medical sadism, yes, but denial of innate sex differences? Isn’t the whole loathsome enterprise contingent upon paying tribute to just that? As in: if you want to behave as a boy (or girl) your body must match that behavior? Heaven forbid that you should just live as a tomboy or an effeminate male! It seems to me this relies on far more upon denial of the immutability of sexual differences rather than their innateness.

This is technically true, but I think she is missing an important point here. Perhaps it would be better to say that modern society denies the binding character of innate sex differences. In a sane society, if my behavior did not match up with my sex, I would be expected to change my behavior. That’s because my sex, and the duties attendant on it, are determined by nature, not by me — so to rebel against my sex by acting as a member of the opposite sex is a kind of rebellion against nature, and thus ultimately against God.

But in modern society, if my sex doesn’t match up with my behavior, it must be because my sex is wrong. After all, God is dead, nature is an unjust prison, and society is constantly conspiring to deprive me of my freedom (and sex is a social construct, anyway, so who’s to say that by mutilating my genitals and wearing a sundress I’m not actually a “woman”?). And there’s nothing which transcends my own absolute, autonomous, sovereign will.

So you are really too generous in describing this phenomenon as “mass hysteria.” Hysteria is, at least on principle, an excessive reaction to something which is nevertheless legitimately frightening, like the fear of getting shot by a criminal or incinerated in a nuclear holocaust. This is simple denial of the realness of reality. It is not mass hysteria but mass psychosis.

Laura writes:

Excellent. Thank you.

Yes, ‘mass psychosis’ is a reasonable name for it. I called it hysteria because the parents and children in these cases are reacting excessively to something real. And that real thing is the confusion that now exists as to sex differences. Children and adolescents pick up on that confusion, not just because it foisted upon them everywhere in popular culture but because it exists in their own homes, in the thoughts, emotions, actions and worldview of their parents.

I recently stopped at a McDonald’s and while I was waiting for a friend, I saw on the television screen in the eating area an interview with a woman who had chosen sex-change hormone treatment for her adolescent daughter. The whole sad, histrionic story of this child’s identification with the opposite sex from an early age (she wanted to play boys’ sports) was recounted to viewers.

There were two obvious things about this case that stood out and were not acknowledged explicitly by the interviewers.

One, the mother was divorced. The girl, as children of divorce so often are, was put in the confusing role of her mother’s protector. She struck me as a lonely girl in a house with no siblings and no father who might affirm her femininity. Second, the mother was very unfeminine in her dress and general appearance. She actually looked like a man. What were the chances then that this girl would have a healthy sense of herself as a girl? I’d say, zilch.

Doctors must have many more parents who come to them saying, “My daughter thinks she is a boy!,” and not just because parents read stories like this. The children are truly confused. In their hysterical reaction to this mental disorder which is caused by family breakdown and cultural values, doctors may go so far as to recommend this medical quackery, which violates the first principle of Western medicine to ‘do no harm.’

Alissa writes:

Sue W. wrote:

Isn’t the whole loathsome enterprise contingent upon paying tribute to just that? As in: if you want to behave as a boy (or girl) your body must match that behavior? Heaven forbid that you should just live as a tomboy or an effeminate male! It seems to me this relies on far more upon denial of the immutability of sexual differences rather than their innateness.

This is a muddling of language. What is innate, is defacto immutable. One cannot possess one without the other. Transgenderism does not, as the radical feminists say, pay a tribute to gender roles. If anything, it makes a mocking of it. One should behave as one is and not what one in error believes himself to be. Sometimes I think I’m living in a twilight zone. Modernity in essence displays an alienation from reality and truth.

Laura wrote:

Whether they are mentally ill or not, their delusions should not be entertained. They should be helped to cope with their feelings of identification with the opposite sex and to live as best they can as who they are. It is highly probable that the parents who bring their children to these clinics have serious psychological problems. These clinics should be shut down. There should be laws against them.

Agreed but such actions are unlikely unfortunately. In the case of the lesbian who became a mother through IVF (the one who repented of her lesbianism and became a Christian as chronicled in this site), the authorities wanted to give her child over to her past lesbian lover who wasn’t even the mother. We’re living in an increasingly upside-down world and they think we’re the bad ones in the side of the war. Sooner or later we will have to experience a degree of societal separation or else we will be engulfed in the twilight zone.

I remember a heartening story in a newspaper by a former “transgender woman” who went from being a man to mutilating his genitals and living as a woman for a couple of years to surgery to undo this change (became a man again). At the end he seemed to arrive at some vague conclusion that he should accept the man that he is (and found a woman that accepted him as he was… maybe they were going to start a family together?). While browsing the comments some were supportive of this change (and in a way redemption) but I will never forget the abhorrent, disturbing “transgender woman” who expressed anger and rage at this man. Misery sure loves company.

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