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Of Mice and Feminists « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Of Mice and Feminists

February 25, 2012


AS DISCUSSED in the previous entry, energies once directed to the human race are now lavished on cats and dogs. It’s not that cats and dogs don’t deserve human kindness and attention. They just don’t deserve so much of it. Call it the sublimation of maternal instincts. Call it cultural suicide. Call it what you will, but it’s a real observable phenomenon, the extreme manifestation of which is the animal rights movement.

In this piece, an Australian writer, Ruby Hamad, argues that feminism and animal rights are virtually the same movement. Women can identify with animals, she says, because both have suffered historic oppression at the hands of men.

It is not a coincidence that women dominate the animal rights movement. As the victims of long-term historical oppression, women can readily empathise with the plight of animals because they recognise oppression when it occurs.

It’s true: Feminists have more in common with creatures who can’t think than with those who can. Ms. Hamad’s claim that women have been historically oppressed by men is proof of her intellectual affiliation with amoeba.

Last time I looked, the greatest exploiters of animals were other animals. Animals are very fond of oppressing each other. A black and white cat keeps eating the mice in my yard. Who will Ms. Hamad defend? The cat or the mouse?

— Comments —

Kerosene Billy writes:

You might remember this previous quote that I sent to you:

But these women delight in intercourse with the effeminate…

those who are more refined than these keep Indian birds and Median pea-fowls, and recline with peak-headed creatures; playing with satyrs, delighting in monsters. They laugh when they hear Thersites;

And though maintaining parrots and curlews, they do not receive the orphan child; but they expose children that are born at home, and take up the young of birds, and prefer irrational to rational creatures; – Clement of Alexandria, Paedogogus, Book III, Chapter IV.

As I understand, the late and decadent Roman Empire had its own version of legal abortion, no-fault divorce, feminist driven consumerism and de facto acceptance of homosexuality. Numerous personages in Rome lamented at the massive numbers of gold being diverted to India & China in search of more lavish consumer products like silk.

Birds and beasts had been procured from remote countries, and sea monsters from the ocean. On the margin of the lake were set up brothels crowded with noble ladies, and on the opposite bank were seen naked prostitutes with obscene gestures and movements. As darkness approached, all the adjacent grove and surrounding buildings resounded with song, and shone brilliantly with lights. Nero, who polluted himself by every lawful or lawless indulgence, had not omitted a single abomination which could heighten his depravity, till a few days afterwards he stooped to marry himself to one of that filthy herd, by name Pythagoras, with all the forms of regular wedlock. The bridal veil was put over the emperor; people saw the witnesses of the ceremony, the wedding dower, the couch and the nuptial torches; everything in a word was plainly visible, which, even when a woman weds darkness hides. Tacitus, Annals 15.37

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