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The American University: Citadel of Casual Barbarism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The American University: Citadel of Casual Barbarism

February 8, 2012


ACCORDING to the Associated Press:

Students at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania can get the “morning-after” pill by sliding $25 into a vending machine, an idea that has drawn the attention of federal regulators and raised questions about how accessible emergency contraception should be. [emphasis added] [OH MY, QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN RAISED!!]

The student health center at Shippensburg, a secluded public institution of 8,300 students tucked between mountain ridges in the Cumberland Valley, provides the Plan B One Step emergency contraceptive in the vending machine along with condoms, decongestants and pregnancy tests.[AND THEY CALL THIS A HEALTH CENTER? IT’S MORE LIKE AN ILLNESS CENTER.]

“I think it’s great that the school is giving us this option,” junior Chelsea Wehking said Tuesday. “I’ve heard some kids say they’d be too embarrassed” to go into town — Shippensburg, permanent population about 6,000 — and buy Plan B. [CHELSEA, YOU ARE A CHILD AND THE NATION CARES NOT WHAT YOU THINK.]


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Mary writes:

“I think it’s great that the school is giving us this option,” junior Chelsea Wehking said Tuesday. “I’ve heard some kids say they’d be too embarrassed” to go into town — Shippensburg, permanent population about 6,000 — and buy Plan B.”

…but apparently not too embarassed to shed clothing and share intimacy with someone. Funny thing, embarassment. These kids have their embarassment neutralized in the sex ed classes they receive in high school (it’s also neutralized by the alcohol they consume prior to many of these encounters). Interestingly, though they have no shame and embarassment for the actual acts, they have plenty enough left over in dealing with the aftermath. The soul knows what the mind forgets.

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