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The Atheist’s Faith « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Atheist’s Faith

February 1, 2012



Atheism now has a confession of faith.

It’s in my essay “No Evidence for God?” posted at Intellectual Conservative. The essay makes the elementary and crucial point that most atheists, when they try to rebut arguments for God, simply presuppose atheism. Viewing reality through atheism-colored glasses, they naturally see what they want to see. Their reasoning is circular. I lay out two common lines of evidence for God and show how the common atheistic rebuttals are invalid. There is evidence for God.

But making my point stick requires closing loopholes. Out of nearly 5,000 words, only about 1,400 demonstrate that most atheists reason circularly about theism. Most of the rest consists of foundational points about how correctly to think about God. I’ve been dissatisfied with my published essays on things theistic, and this essay lays a better foundation.

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