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The Komen Foundation and Lies About Women’s Health « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Komen Foundation and Lies About Women’s Health

February 21, 2012


ONLY in an environment in which feminist orthodoxy prevails would a major sponsor of breast cancer research be forced to fund an organization that causes breast cancer. In the recent controversy over the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s support of Planned Parenthood – the foundation withdrew funding from Planned Parenthood and then restored it under public pressure —  evidence that abortion and contraception contribute to the incidence of breast cancer was ignored by the press.

Everything was said but the obvious. The Komen Foundation needed to stop subsidizing Planned Parenthood if it had any hope of integrity.

Last year, a major cancer researcher who adamantly claimed in 2003 that there was no link between abortion and breast cancer reversed her position. And, Dr. Joel Brind, professor of endocrinology at Baruch College and president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, estimated that abortion had caused 300,000 additional deaths from breast cancer since 1973.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons urged doctors years ago, in 2003, to inform patients about a “highly plausible” relationship between abortion and breast cancer. According to the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, “As of 2006, eight medical organizations recognize[d] that abortion raises a woman’s risk for breast cancer, independently of the risk of delaying the birth of a first child (a secondary effect that all experts already acknowledge).” See the Coalition’s examination of the media cover-up over the years here.

Planned Parenthood is a purveyor of disease and unhappiness. It is anti-woman at its core. The Komen Foundation, by reversing its decision, did irreparable harm to its purported mission.


— Comments —

Mary writes:

I had the same thoughts but haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else, so thank you for bringing this to light. The abortion/breast cancer connection needs as much attention as possible so women are truly informed and can make truly informed choices. My guess is that the public pressure mentioned was trumped up by PP, using the guerilla tactic of threatened funding. They alerted shared Komen/PP donors of the problem and got the donors to do their dirty work. PP is such a powerhouse. That is just speculation, of course.

Komen and PP must both be fully aware of the breast cancer connection. PP regards it as a necessary evil, one they are willing to risk, but we already know they take many risks with women’s lives and physical and mental health in their quest for unlimited reproductive “freedom,” so that’s no surprise. Komen, on the other hand, is in quite a predicament. They tried to extract themselves from this unsavory connection with PP under the guise of the Congressional investigation, although perhaps that was their backdoor way of getting around saying that the breast cancer issue was the real problem. At any rate, now things are worse because of the capitulation.

But no one, not even the donors they share with PP, could logically expect them to support any abortion provider with the information that’s come to light. Komen should and could still be the real hero here, if they would come out with an unmitigated statement connecting abortion and breast cancer. They would have the immediate support, in terms of funding, of legions of people, including pro-life organizations and individuals. So far they have chosen not to play that card and they have gone the way of darkness. But it took courage to pull their funding to PP in the first place – someone in that organization has real guts. Now is the time for this type of action, so I’m hoping this is not over yet.

Laura writes:

Karen Handel, the Komen vice president who was instrumental in the decision to cut PP funding, resigned after the decision was reversed. It is unlikely that Komen executives will try anything like this again in the near future. Multiple apologies have been issued. The foundation’s capitulation was complete.

 Yes, it is probable they used the Congressional investigation as a cover-up for their real reasons for abandoning PP.

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