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The New Southern Belle « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The New Southern Belle

February 2, 2012



University of Georgia cheerleader Anna Watson

 JAMES P. writes:

Aren’t cheerleaders supposed to be feminine?

It is hard to believe her claim that she has not taken steroids.

                                                            — Comments —

Carnivore writes:

Trust me, with the lift numbers she’s got, she did not take steroids. The picture of her standing next to another cheerleader is a good comparison. The deltoid, bicep and tricep stand out while the other gal’s upper arm looks more like a straight tube. The development she exhibits is within reason when an athletic woman trains with weights.

Of course, whether doing a double bicep pose and exhibiting muscular definition is feminine is a different question.

Josh F. writes:

Anna Watson has almost certainly done “steroids,” just not the kind we associate with muscle mass gain. Rather, she has most likely spent the last three to five years taking the kind of “steroids”
that destroy real reproductive freedom and that may render her infertile or with a debilitated child in the future. She will mostly likely take these “steroids” for another five, ten or fifteen years! 


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