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The Stardom of Jeremy Lin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Stardom of Jeremy Lin

February 18, 2012


DIANA writes:

I wonder if you are aware of “Linsanity.” Just in case you are not, Jeremy Lin is an unlikely basketball star who has recently shot to fame as a result of some wonderful play for New York City’s woeful basketball team. He came off the bench and has become a team leader.

To be brief, the reasons for his instant stardom are complex. Of course, it begins with his terrific play. But of course, no one becomes a star for just performance. He’s Chinese-American, the only one in the NBA. He’s a Harvard grad, studied a solid major there (economics) has a modest, pleasant demeanor, and is a religious Christian. He was cut by a couple of teams and developed his talents by working hard. Got the chance to shine and he shone. Great story, isn’t it?

 But I suspect that behind the gushing there is something else: as we have been discussing in the threads on cowardice, whites don’t want openly to criticize blacks. For many years, this took the form of gushing about the positive qualities of blacks who do not conform to black stereotypes. Blacks got wise to this and quickly found ways to stigmatize even a hint of what they correctly figured was a form of condescension. Words like “articulate” and “attractive” when applied to blacks were criminalized. Whites, as usual, caved.

My suspicion is that gushing about Jeremy Lin is a way that traumatized, cowardly whites can criticize blacks without being labeled racist. Of course, somehow, somewhere, someone will figure out a way to bash whites for this.

— Comments —

Buck writes:

Diana writes:

“My suspicion is that gushing about Jeremy Lin is a way that traumatized, cowardly whites can criticize blacks without being labeled racist. Of course, somehow, somewhere, someone will figure out a way to bash whites for this.”

Bash them more than Diana has just done?

Diana writes:

Touché, Buck!

 I am proud to be a white liberal basher. I happily bash cowardly white people who can’t say what they mean and mean what they say.

 Here is a perfect example of what I consider to be bash-worthy.

Not surprisingly, the article is written by a professor of education at NYU. The article contains one vicious calumny that is now gaining traction – that Lin’s not being recruited by a major college was racism (for a refutation of that, read further). Moreover, the entire article is premised on the fact that Asians are held to a higher standard in terms of SAT scores. True, but the writer overlooks the fact that this is part of a pattern in which whites are held to a higher standard than Hispanics, who are held to a higher standard than blacks. Thus the article is a pack of slanders against white people, masquerading as a celebration of Jeremy Lin.

 Regarding the fact that Lin wasn’t recruited by a college, this “present -at-the-creation” article points out why: as a frosh, he was “scrawny” and played a “timid” game. Asians mature physically later than whites, who physically mature later than blacks.

I bash the white liberal with relish, yes. Bring ’em on.

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