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Would the World Have Been Better Off If Hitler Had Been Aborted? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Would the World Have Been Better Off If Hitler Had Been Aborted?

February 1, 2012


AT Townhall, Mike Adams explains why it would not. He also writes regarding the legalization of abortion:

Some have declared that they will not rest until Roe v. Wade is overturned. Others say that is too lofty a goal. I disagree. I believe it is too shortsighted. We must reach further back if we want to reverse our moral free fall. Pre-1973 thinking is not enough. We must go back to the time when no state authorized the killing of innocents – a time when only the rapist, not the product of rape, was eligible for a sentence of death.

Ideas have consequences. And so do exceptions. One of the consequences of embracing an evil exception is that it hardens our hearts and clouds our thinking in advance of our consideration of other exceptions. Eventually we come to a point where we cannot imagine life without that initial exception.

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