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Miss Universe Contestant Is Male « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Miss Universe Contestant Is Male

March 17, 2012


MISS UNIVERSE Canada has accepted a “transexual” male as a contestant in its beauty pageant, according to the pageant website Missosology. Given that Jenna Talackova is legally female even though he is a man, pageant officials concluded that it was inappropriate to exclude him and by the logic of radical equality and homosexual liberation, they are correct.

It is not strange that a transvestite would want to be in a beauty pageant. No, it is just the kind of thing transvestites dream of and now that the door is opened, perhaps more beauty pageants will become coed, not events in which real women demonstrate their femininity, but contests with men and women acting feminine.

By including a man in the pageant, officials make the act of watching the pageant a homoerotic exercise for men.


— Comments —

Alissa writes:

There is no such thing as gender equality as feminists would have us believe. Sex differences between men and women are innate. Transgenderism is de facto cosmetic surgery and genital mutilation. It can also lead to regrets.

Laura writes:

Transgenderism is self-mutilation, with the complicity of profit-making medical practitioners who should lose their licenses.

Also, no matter what a man does to disguise himself, he almost always appears to be structurally a male, with broader shoulders and slimmer hips than a woman.

Renée writes:

This is a great example of how chaotic liberal thinking is. This is framed as a win for equality–but beauty pageants are all about inequality.  The overwhelming majority of women who want to compete in this contest will not be able to because of the natural state of their bodies. These contests are predicated on the idea that women should be excluded based on not meeting certain physical requirements. Therefore, how can it be wrong to exclude transsexuals based on not meeting the requirement of having a uterus?  It is interesting that the same women who look at this as a victory are the same type of people who want women to be appreciated for their natural beauty. They will speak negatively about women who get plastic surgery, but not transsexuals who do.

They will also freak out about  the idea of eating meat from cows pumped with hormones, but celebrate the idea of little girls being pumped with hormones…but I digress.

The issue of allowing people to compete in beauty contests when they have had plastic surgery has been debated for quite some time. Some countries will not allow women to compete if they have had it, because they want to competitions to be about natural beauty.  Apparently, natural beauty is only relevant for those born women.

Laura writes:

Renee has perfectly stated the obvious. Beauty pageants are about inequality. The highly exacting standards upon which they are based exclude the vast majority of women. If Jenna is permitted to be included, why can’t someone who is ugly be in the pageant? That’s unfair. That’s discrimination.

Renée continues:

Three more points:

1. Men who want to change their sex because they feel they are women re-affirm that being a woman is all about biology. Their problem is that there is not yet a way to make them in every way like one born with a uterus. When they say they want to be a woman, what group are they referring to? They are thinking about biological women– if it weren’t for us the term woman, even as they conceive it, would not make any sense. We are the reason we have the term woman. If the term woman has nothing to do with biological women then what are transsexuals even talking about when they claim they want to ‘change’ themselves to become women? Why are they so desperate to make themselves appear to be just like biological women, if being a woman is is only about how you feel? Also, if given a chance to be born as a woman, or completely changed so they were exactly like a woman with a real uterus and naturally generated hormones they would take it– demonstrating that they think being a biological woman is preferable to what they were born as to make themselves feel like a woman. The more they change themselves to look like woman the more they feel like a woman. This contestant has no problem being judged by how much she resembles a biological woman. In fact that is what he wants. Does that not re-affirm the idea that being a woman is about…. being a biological woman?

2. We are told race and gender are just constructs and that is why it is offensive to say that a male transsexual is not a woman. However, lets imagine we are not talking about a man who ‘became’ a woman but a young black girl who made herself white. Lets us assume this young girl has always believed, like the character in the movie Precious, that she had a little white girl inside of her. Lets say she begs her parents to help her change into a white girl when she turns 18. The help her bleach her skin, dye her hair blond, get blue contacts, and a nose job. She begins to tell people she is white. What is going to be the reaction of all the liberals? Their reaction is going to be that that little girl needed someone to tell her that she should love the fact that she is black. She should not reject her natural self. Why is it so different when we are talking about transsexuals?

3. This sets a horrifying precedent. Soon transsexuals will fight to play women in movies and our children will have to read stories about how there is no difference between a transsexual man and a woman, and anyone who disagrees is a bigot. This will imply that it is wrong for a boy to say he only wants to date girls who are biological girls. The term heterosexual will be made meaningless. We real woman will not be able to use terms which differentiate ourselves from transsexuals and we will be considered trans-phobic if we try.

Laura writes:


To summarize Renée’s first point, the extreme measures “transgendered” men take to resemble biological women affirm the importance of biology. It is therefore a contradiction for them to say biology means nothing when it comes to beauty pageants or the legal definition of what constitutes a woman.

On her second point, liberals will not say that a man should adjust to being a man and the reason why they won’t is their wish to destroy traditional sex roles and the obligations they entail.

Third, the logical end point of homosexual fascism is to pressure heterosexuals to become homosexual.

Alissa writes:

How can people believe with a straight face that race and sex are social constructs yet that sexual orientation is unchangeable? If homosexuality is genetic and unchangeable then wouldn’t a transexual man be as good as a biological man? Wouldn’t lesbians be ecstatic over transexual women? What’s the difference? I mean how can a person be only attracted to men or women if there are no such thing as men and women? Aren’t there six genders? Aren’t there more than two sexes? From what I have seen the homosexuals seem to have caved on this issue and the heterosexual feminists are tagging along. Only us outdated and misogynist heterosexuals who disagree with the sexual revolution and feminism believe that sex differences are innate and real. To liberals anything that is not chosen such as sex and race must be made not to matter whereas their autonomous will for their sexual partners is all about essence. Yikes. What’s more misogynist than the belief that a castrated man is really a woman? What is more misandrist than the belief that a mutilated woman is truly a man? Transexuals seem to be co-opting the language of their homosexual fascist brothers (e.g. we were born this way, transphobia, you must be a closeted case who loves transexuals for sex). Oppose the nincompoops. Illegitimi non carborundum.


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