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The Girly Marines « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Girly Marines

March 4, 2012


READERS have probably already seen the photo, widely distributed this week, of a homecoming Marine kissing his boyfriend while children stand in the background. Wheeler MacPherson writes:

It’s all completely perverted and completely inverted – the (traditionally manly) Marine is apparently playing the part of the female in the relationship. He has leapt into the arms of his (presumably softer) civilian boyfriend and wrapped his legs around him.

It wasn’t that long ago that two men behaving like this would have been justly arrested and their lives and careers ruined.

And now this creature, draped in the same uniform I so proudly wore in my youth, is committing an abominable act in public with the full knowledge and approval of the organization that calls itself the world’s finest fighting force.

Over the years, I have become disillusioned and disgusted by how the Corps has caved in on liberal social issues. But after seeing this pornographic image (and yes, it is pornography; it is utterly indecent), I completely renounce the United States Marine Corps and utterly repudiate my association with her. And I call on all former Marines who follow Christ to do the same. I am ashamed that I ever wore the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor for my country.

Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. The same goes for organizations and nations.

Woe to the U.S. Marine Corps. Woe to them.

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