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The Women’s Movement Comes Full Circle « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Women’s Movement Comes Full Circle

March 12, 2012



I recently read the following in the comments section of a feminist blog post, whining about how the American government is not doing much (i.e. flexible working arrangements, extened maternity leave etc.) to promote combining work and raising children:

“But I did find one solution: seek advanced education, choose the right field, and have the professional experience so that when you start having children you can demand the kind of flexibility to take care of your children the way you want to (mostly.) Because I concentrated on my education and professional development, I was able to demand the right to work at home when my babies were babies, or bring them into the office with me.”

The irony is poetic.

A few decades ago women spent less time with their children in order to pursue higher education and careers, and now they pursue higher education and degrees…..in order to spend MORE time with their children.

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